

Study on Positioning Strategy at Sogou.com

【作者】 唐筱

【导师】 朱永杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文借鉴国内外定位理论和战略管理的研究成果,在搜狗公司实地调研的基础上,剖析了搜狗公司面临的主要问题,并通过对外部市场趋势的分析确定了搜狗公司的行业位置,利用比较分析法找出与其他主要竞争对手的差距,以及对该行业先进企业成功经验进行了提炼,目的在于帮助搜狗公司走出止步不前的困境,明确定位,进而增强企业的竞争力,提高造血功能,实现企业的可持续发展。论文的研究结果表明,利用科特勒的STP定位方法和波特的五力模型并结合互联网多种权威统计报告能够对搜狗公司环境因素进行了深入探讨,提炼出搜狗的潜在目标市场为中文熟龄搜索市场。利用情感利益定位策略可以对搜狗公司在潜在目标市场中的市场位置形象进行设计,品牌的具体形象可以围绕“放心”和“贴心”两点来进行,并指出在目标市场上未来的产品发展方向应该以民生类产品为主,并提出了围绕定位进行资源优化配置的实现途径。本研究对于提高搜狗公司的核心竞争力,促进搜狗公司扩大市场份额具有非常重要的现实意义。同时,对中国搜索引擎市场总体排名第四的搜狗公司定位战略的分析和对策,将有利于同样位居前十并依靠门户网站为后盾的同类企业如腾迅SOSO、新浪爱问的继续探索,进而为打破Google、百度、雅虎三家垄断搜索引擎市场格局打开思路。

【Abstract】 This essay is extracted from both foreign and domestic research outcomes and concerns Positioning theory and Strategy Management. Using first-hand experience at Sogou.com, the writer analyzes the company’s main problems and locates the position of Sogou.com within the search engine sector. As well, a Comparative Analysis Approach is used to determine the distance between the company and its market superiors and distill these companies’successful experience. The purpose being to aid Sogou.com get out of the trap of stagnation, make its market position clear; strengthen competitiveness, circulate the company’s life-blood and foster the firm’s sustainable development.The research bears out the results, using Kotler’s STP Positioning Method and Porter’s Five Forces Model and combines multi-authoritative status reports of the Internet to provide a deep discussion of Sogou’s environmental factors. After distillation of these factors it is revealed that Sogou’s potential target market is the 25-40 age-range of the search engine market. Using the Emotional Benefit Positioning Strategy could customize the company’s image within their potential target market. The brand’s specific image could revolve around dependability and consideration. The writer also points out that the company’s future product development should focus on everyday lifestyle products within the target market, and the realization of optimal arrangement of resources.This research is meaningful to the improvement of Sogou’s core competitiveness, and pushes for Sogou’s market share expansion. Meanwhile, the analysis and strategy provided to Sogou.com, which is rated at number four in the search engine field in China, will also prove useful to other top-ten rated websites supported by an existing web portal, such as SOSO, and IAsk, and then open their minds on how to break down Google, Baidu, and Yahoo; the three companies which dominate the search engine market.

【关键词】 搜狗搜索引擎品牌定位战略实现途径
【Key words】 SogouSearch EngineBrandPositioning Strategyrelization