

Phonological Analysis of Vowel Reduction of Standard Chinese

【作者】 周密

【导师】 史宝辉;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在言语行为过程中,音素与音素、音节与音节、声调与声调之间,因为受相邻音的影响,或由于说话时语音快慢、高低、强弱的不同,某些语音成分可能发生不同的变化,集中体现在同化、异化、弱化等等。本论文主要针对汉语普通话中轻声音节的元音弱化现象进行理论层次的分析。由于是以北京方言为基础,所以普通话的标准到目前为止还不是绝对的,同时由于地区差异以及发音习惯不同,普通话中轻声的标准也不是绝对的。所以,普通话轻声中的元音弱化现象也会因人而异,因地而异。很多研究都将轻声中的元音弱化过于绝对化,经过反复对比与发音,笔者认为元音在轻声音节中弱化的现象因其响度等级的不同而不同,而且表现形式各异,不可一概而论。经过收集大量轻声词,现代汉语语音教程以及研究轻声词元音弱化现象的文献,并经过反复推敲与整理,笔者对普通话元音弱化现象用音系学的前沿理论“优选论”和其他生成音系学理论加以分析,给普通话轻声音节的原因弱化现象做出了一致的解释。

【Abstract】 As speech is a continuous process, sounds are always continuously uttered. Due to the influence of their neighbors, or the difference of speed, height and strength in speech, many sound changes can happen to the original phoneme in actual speech. These changes can exist in such phonological processes as assimilation, dissimilation, reduction, elision and so on, which are shown in different ways of embodiments by related languages.Much research work related to sound changes has been done to cover a variety of aspects in phonological research. However, there are fewer studies that focus on systematic analysis of vowel reduction in speech sounds of Standard Chinese (SC) than in some other languages, though SC is the most widely used language in the world.In SC, there is a unique linguistic phenomenon called neutral tone. No matter where we place the stress in Chinese words, the neutral tone must be unstressed syllables.This thesis focuses on one aspect of feature change in vowels—vowel reduction, and gives a (mainly) OT analysis in an attempt to find out the motivation, procedure, and influence of such kind of change.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】284