

Study on Design and Building of Ecotype Noise Barriers of Expressway

【作者】 张静

【导师】 杨建英; 蔡志洲;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国高速公路的发展,公路交通噪声日益成为危害环境的因素之一。作为一种经济而有效的手段,公路声屏障是高速公路降低交通噪声的主要措施。公路声屏障不但降噪量大,而且可以因地制宜地建造各种类型和造型,充分与环境协调一致。本文在声屏障降噪原理的基础上,参考国内外各种公路声屏障的设计和建造方法,设计了合淮阜高速公路声屏障。在设计过程中,采用了新型的加筋土堤生态声屏障。测试结果表明,该公路声屏障具有良好的降噪效果。本文的主要工作包括以下几点:(1)在声屏障的声学原理基础上,建立了声插入损失的计算模型,推导出了声屏障插入损失的计算公式。(2)对声屏障的修建位置、高度和长度作了系统地分析,对声屏障的声学设计、结构设计以及景观设计进行了探讨,提出了声屏障优化设计的思路。(3)根据以上计算结果和设计思路,设计了合淮阜高速公路的声屏障。在该设计中,创新性地采用了新型的生态声屏障。在建造中,根据不同的敏感点,分别采用了三种新型的生态土墙声屏障、石笼网隔声墙以及混凝土声屏障。(4)对设计的声屏障作了效益分析。分析结果表明,该声屏障具有良好的降噪效果、生态效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 With the development of Chinese expressway, communication noise has become one of sources which harm environment. As an economical and effective method, expressway noise barrier is a primary measure used to reduce communication noise. Expressway noise barrier not only can greatly reduce noise, but also can change its shape and type according to various surroundings.According to the design and building methods of various noise barriers home and overseas, He-Huai-Fu expressway noise barrier was designed based on the principle of noise reduction of noise barrier. New ecotype noise barrier was creatively adopted in the design. Measurement results show that the noise barrier can effectively reduce noise. Main content of this paper is concluded as following:(1) Calculation model of insertion loss of noise barrier was set up based on the principle of noise reduction of noise barrier and calculation expressions of insertion loss of noise barrier was deduced.(2) Noise reduction objective, location, height and length were systematically analyzed. Acoustics, structure and landscape designs were discussed and optimized design idea was put forward.(3) According to above calculation and design, noise barrier of He-Huai-Fu expressway was designed. New ecotype noise barrier was creatively adopted in the design. Ecological earth-bank, wire-basket rock crib and concrete noise barriers were adopted.(4) Effects of designed noise barrier were analyzed. Analysis results show that this noise barrier has good noise reduction, ecological and social effects.

  • 【分类号】U491.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】326