

Contrast on Different Varieties of Green Jujube(Ziziphus Mauritiana Lamk) and Cultivation Techniques in Beijing

【作者】 薛瑾

【导师】 续九如;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文对9个引种至北京市林业果树研究所的台湾青枣品种进行了设施栽培对比试验,通过品种生物学特性对比、叶片光合性状、抗寒性对比,栽培管理措施及杂交育种的研究,取得的主要结果如下:(1)台湾青枣各品种均能够在北京林果所日光温室中正常生长,但依据其生长量及叶片(观测性状及光合性状),枝条,花果的对比研究表明适宜北京大棚栽培的品种为高朗1号。其次为脆蜜、碧云、五千种。(2)台湾青枣抗性的研究表明:台湾青枣不同品种抗寒性及抗病性差异显著,其中五千种的抗寒性最好,而黄冠的抗寒性最差。另外在秋冬季节。随气温降低,抗寒性逐渐增强。台湾青枣必须栽培在温室的高温高湿环境中,才能保证顺利过冬、而大棚的高温高湿环境使得其极容易感染病虫害,其中泰国蜜枣对病虫害的抗性最差,而缅甸枣和碧云抗性较好。(3)栽培特性对比研究得出:增施N、P、K肥可显著提高坐果率,三者最佳配比为N:P:K≈3:1:3。喷施赤霉素对提高坐果率效果显著,其中以碧云对赤霉素最敏感,赤霉素的浓度水平以15mg/kg效果最好。(4)丰产措施试验中可以看出:环剥和摘心都可以有效的提高台湾青枣的坐果率,其中以既环剥主干又环剥一次枝效果最好。同样,断根也可以提高台湾青枣的坐果率,而试验表明陆续切断四面根系的断根方式在提高坐果率方面优于一次性切断四面根系的断根方式。

【Abstract】 In this study, introduced nine varities of Jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) were cultivated in greenhouse at Institute of Forestry and pomology, Beijing. Contrast trail on biological and photosynthesis characteristics, leaf photosynthesis, and cold-hardiness were carried out. The corresponding techniques of culture management and the possibility of cross breeding were also studied. The results are showed as follows:(1) Each varities of green jujube can easily grow up in greenhouse in Beijing. According to the comparision in leaves characteristics, flowers and fruits between 9 varieties. The most suitable variety is“Galo”, three subsequent varieties are“Biyun”,“Cuimi”and“Wuqianzhong”.(2) The trails on hardiness of green jujube showed that different varieties are different in cold-hardiness and blight tolerant. The cold hardiness of“Huangguan”is the worst of all, while“Wuqianzhong”is the best. Besides the lower the temperature is, the higher the cold-hardiness is. The green jujube must be cultivated in the greenhouse of high temperature and high moisture, only in this environment, can it pass the winter, but it can be affected easily. Of all these varieties,“Mizao”did the worst in defending the blights, while“Miandian”and“Biyun”better. It is very important for us to find a environmentally friendly method of defending blights.(3) The reseach on culture and management techniques indicated that (a) The optimization ratio for N,P and K fertilizers is N:P:K≈3:1:3. (b) A spray with 15ppm GA in blooming.(4) The trails on high yield showed that both trunk gridling and shot priching can improve the fruit set of green jujube. And that both gridle trunk and the first branch did the best. Also, root pruning can also improve the set effectively, while the trails showed that if we only prune two sides or one side the first time, and then prune another one side each time, in this way, can the fruit set be improved obviously, while it was of no effect pruning four sides of the roots at the first time.

  • 【分类号】S665.1
  • 【下载频次】164