

The Control Effect of Picoides Major to Anoplophora Glabripennis

【作者】 矫振彪

【导师】 温俊宝;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis是我国林业重要蛀干害虫,特别是在我国西北地区,对农田防护林造成极大危害。大斑啄木鸟Picoides major作为蛀干害虫的自然天敌,很早就引起了人们的注意,并且在保护和利用方面开展了部分研究。但是,大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛的控制作用机制还不清楚。本研究试图从3个方面探讨大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛的控制作用机制:不同季节大斑啄木鸟在农田防护林内食性组成、大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛的捕食作用、大尺度范围内大斑啄木鸟与光肩星天牛的种群相互动态。2005年到2007年在乌拉特前旗境内,通过在不同季节以跟踪调查法和取食痕迹法相结合调查了大斑啄木鸟的食性组成;2006年到2008年以标准地调查和查迹法相结合,研究了大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛幼虫的捕食作用;将乌拉特前旗有林地分布的区域分成111个方格,于1999年8月到9月、2002年8月到9月、2006年8月到9月、2007年8月到9月,以样线法调查和查迹法结合,调查了大斑啄木鸟和光肩星天牛的种群变化动态。主要结果如下:①大斑啄木鸟的取食行为和食性组成在不同季节存在较大的差异。大斑啄木鸟共有14种取食行为。在冬季,啄食和捶击取食是最常见的取食行为;在食物相对充足的大斑啄木鸟繁殖季节和夏季,捡拾和探食是最常见的取食方式。大斑啄木鸟的食性组成在不同季节有较大差异。在繁殖季节,大斑啄木鸟主要以取食树干表皮节肢动物和昆虫(45.34%),蛀干害虫和食叶害虫的比例较少;夏季大斑啄木鸟取食最多的为树冠部的食叶害虫(53.59%),其次是树干表面节肢动物和昆虫,蛀干害虫比例较少;秋冬季节大斑啄木鸟主要以取食蛀干类害虫(62.64%)和植物种子为主。②大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛幼虫的捕食量因虫口密度变化而变化,随着光肩星天牛虫口密度增加,捕食量的增加开始为正加速,接着是负加速,而后捕食量达到饱和水平。两者间捕食功能反应呈HollingⅢ型,回归方程为N e = exp(4.323 ? 39.758/ No);随着光肩星天牛虫口密度增加,大斑啄木鸟对其幼虫捕食率呈现先增高后下降的趋势,回归方程为:大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛幼虫捕食的数值反应为正密度反应。当光肩星天牛虫口密度较小或处于中等水平时,大斑啄木鸟对其控制作用较强;但当虫口密度较高时,大斑啄木鸟的控制作用较弱。③1999年~2007年,乌拉特前旗农田防护林内大斑啄木鸟的分布面积和种群密度都呈增长趋势,光肩星天牛的分布区面积和种群密度呈下降趋势。前山地区和后山地区大斑啄木鸟种群呈稳定状态,前山地区光肩星天牛危害呈下降的趋势,到2007年前山地区基本没有天牛危害,后山地区一直没有光肩星天牛危害;河套地区光肩星天牛的发生区面积和危害程度都呈先增长后下降趋势,大斑啄木鸟种群呈现增长趋势,说明大斑啄木鸟作为光肩星天牛的自然天敌有跟随效应,但有一定的滞后性。预计今后几年,大斑啄木鸟种群会保持稳定状态,河套地区光肩星天牛的危害会缓慢减轻,大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛将会形成长期持续的控制作用。主要结论如下:①大斑啄木鸟的取食行为和食性组成会因栖息环境、不同季节食物资源的改变而改变;大斑啄木鸟在冬季对光肩星天牛的控制作用较其它季节要强。②大斑啄木鸟对光肩星天牛幼虫捕食的功能反应呈HollingⅢ型,数值反应为正密度反应。③大斑啄木鸟作为光肩星天牛的自然捕食性天敌,具有天敌跟随效应,但有滞后性,光肩星天牛侵入早期容易造成较大危害和损失。

【Abstract】 Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) is a wood-boring beetle. It outbreaks seriously and caused great damage in the artificial shelter-wood plantations of the Three-Northern Areas. The Great Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides major) is one of the natural predators and important biological control agent of A. glabripennis. The P. major is common to Wulate Qianqi County of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and widely distributes in the artificial Shelterwood Plantations. The wood-boring were the important foods of the P. major, especially in the winter.From 2006 to 2008, the predatory of P. major on A. glabripennis was studied by the trace investigation and sample plot investigation in field. Fifteen study sites were selected. The result showed that the function response of P. major to A. glabripennis was HollingШ, with a non-linear regression equation N e = exp(4.323 ? 39.758/ No). Within certain density range, the predation capacity would increase with the increasing of density of A. glabripennis. When the density of A. glabripennis increased, the predatory capability has a positive acceleration phase, then a negative acceleration phase and a saturation state in the end. As the density increasing of A. glabripennis, the predation rate increased at first, and then it has a peak, reduced in the end, with a non-linear regression equation The result showed that numerieal resPonsewas PositiVe density resPonse.The PoPulation density of P.major would increase with the increase ofdensity ofA.glabriPennis.The feeding hablts of the P major were surveyed by field observations and trace eheeking from2005 to 2007,in WUlate Qianql County.The woodPeeker Pe而rmed fourteen tyPes of foraglng techniques. Pecking and hammering were most common in winter; gleaning and probing were most common at the time of high food availability at the trunk and tree branches during the breeding season and in summer. The woodpecker gleans arthropods and insect larvae in the breeding season and summer, seeds and nuts mainly in the winter and pokes holes for sap-sucking in winter. The main diet consisted of arthropods and plant seeds. The diet was significantly different in different seasons. The Great Spotted woodpecker primarily consumes defoliators and the food on tree trunks from March to October. The contribution of wood borers to the diet was higher in winter, lower in the breeding season and summer. The proportion of the food on ground was small in the breeding season and high in the summer and winter.From 1999 to 2007, the population density of P. major and A. glabripennis was studied by the trace investigation, line transect method and sample plot investigation in field. The Wulate Qianqi County divided into 111 square grids. The GPS was used to map distribution. The result showed that the population of P. major increased and the population density of A. glabripennis declined during the past 9 years. In the Hetao area, the population density of P. major increased while the population density of A. glabripennis increased from 1999 to 2002 and then declined from 2002 to 2007. The population of P. major was stable while the population density of A. glabripennis declined from 1999 to 2007, in the Qianshan area.The conclusions are as follows.①The feeding habits and feeding behavior of the P. major were changed with habitat environment and food resources of different season. The control effects of P. major to A. glabripennis in winter was better than that in other seasons.②The population density of P. major could be stabilized and increased by artificial attracting P. major.③The control of P. major to A. glabripennis had the time following effect, but was hysteretic nature. Therefore, A. glabripennis caused great losses to the forest easily at the early stage.

  • 【分类号】S769
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