

Research and Implement of Smart Home Networking System Based Linux

【作者】 丁度南

【导师】 张立臣;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 家电智能化和家居网络是未来家居的发展趋势,数字化家电网络为用户提供方便舒适的生活环境。从数字家居网络的组成可以看出,其互联接入技术与标准主要涉及以下几个方面:与各种数字化设备的接入;与外部internet和各种高层应用的互联;于管理和控制的技术与标准;智能信息家电标准。如何选取合适的技术,进行合理的方案设计,进而组建一种符合我国国情的、具有自主知识产权的智能家居系统已成为当前智能家居领域中极富挑战的课题。蓝牙技术,作为一种在2.4GHZ频段上新发展起来的电缆置换、无线通信技术,由于其所获支持的广泛性、全球统一的标准性、数据和语音传输方面的优越性、自动组网能力强、低功耗、低成本和高安全性等诸多优点,目前已得到人们的广泛认同。智能家居中的无线联网已经成为蓝牙技术的一个重要应用领域。本文的主要工作即致力于对构筑智能家居的网络系统相关技术进行研究,提出其中关键部件的产品设计,特别强调和研究了蓝牙技术在其中的应用。论文首先分析了数字社区和智能家居的起源、发展和研究现状,在对当前较为流行的几种可用于构筑智能家居网络系统的相关技术进行分析论证的基础上,选择蓝牙技术作为本文的核心研究技术。接着详细分析了蓝牙协议栈,给出了蓝牙信息家电的详细开发方案,并对蓝牙通信软件进行了详细分析与设计。并对智能家居网络系统进行UML建模。在家居网络系统中,系统核心是家居控制中心(家庭网关)部分、家电、安防设备等通过RSS232或Ethernet等物理连接到控制中心,家居内部网络与外部网络的连接、控制等都是通过控制中心完成,本课题中的家居控制中心硬件平台采用了LPC2200开发系统,嵌入式操作系统为Linux。最后提出了一个基于蓝牙网关的新型的智能家居系统的构建。一个具有良好的适用性和扩展性的家居网络协议是家居网络的基础,本课题参考各种网络协议栈而设计的家居网络协议,充分考虑了实用性和系统的扩展,性能等各方面因素。

【Abstract】 Home automation and home networking is the future of intelligence home. The digital home networking will provide users with a comfortable and convenient life. To the composing of home networking, the interconnecting technique and standard refer to the following aspect: all kind of digital device connected, the internet and high level application connected, the technique and standard of management and control, the standard of intelligent appliance.That, how to choose the right technology and method to design a system and suit the situation of our country , has become an important task for the real of smart home. Bluetooth technology, a new wireless technology in ISM band, can replace the cable and freely transmit data and voice in short distance. Because of widely supporting, open standard, and low power and high security, now the Bluetooth has been aeeepted by more and more people. The application to smart home is one of the most important applications of Bluetooth, and it drives Bluetooth’s development.The work of this paper is for the research of the technique of intelligent networking home system and gives the center part of it .Specially, enhance and research the application of the technique of the Bluetooth.Firstly, analyze the origination, development and research status of the digital community and intelligent home. After analyzing and demonstrating the technique of intelligent home networking system, which is popular, the Bluetooth is chose as the main technique of this paper. And analyzing the protocol stack of the Bluetooth, giving the detail of the development scheme of the Bluetooth appliance and designing the Bluetooth communication software.In the networking home system, the main part is the home control center (home gateway), appliance, security device through the RSS-232 or Ethernet to connect to control center. The interconnect and outerconnect smart home is all through the control center. The LPC2200 develop system is chose as the center of smart home control centre. The embedded system is Linux.An applicable and extendable networking home protocol is the basement of the networking system. This paper references several network protocols and design the protocol of smart home network, fully considerate the application, system extendibility and performance. Finally, give a gateway based in Bluetooth and construct a smart home system.

【关键词】 智能家居蓝牙嵌入式系统家庭网络
【Key words】 Smart homeBluetoothEmbedded systemHome networking
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】432