

The Global Map Building in Autonomous Robot System Based on Multisensor Data Fusion

【作者】 黄衍标

【导师】 杨宜民;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 智能机器人正成为继工业机器人后的另一发展热点,作为智能机器人研究的载体,足球机器人的研究现状一定程度上代表并顺应着机器人智能化的发展方向。全自主足球机器人作为足球机器人研究的较高级形态,其对未知环境感知能力以及对在环境感知过程中出现的不确定性的处理能力,代表着机器人在同时定位和地图创建方面技术水平的高低,也是衡量足球机器人智能化程度高低的重要标志。本论文以RoboCup中型组足球比赛系统为具体研究对象,设计了一个由比赛球队中各机器人自带的所有传感器、机器人上位机、教练机及相关程序组成的多传感器数据融合子系统,使比赛系统具有全局地图构建能力。全文的主要内容安排如下:1.介绍了机器人足球比赛研究和数据融合技术研究的意义,并介绍了机器人足球和多传感器数据融合技术在国内外的发展现状及发展趋势;2.介绍了整个RoboCup中型组比赛系统的体系结构和工作原理,并对整个比赛系统中的视觉子系统、无线通讯子系统、数据融合子系统、决策子系统和运动控制等五个子系统分别作了简要的介绍;3.详细阐述多传感器数据融合子系统的设计过程,首先分析数据融合子系统的设计要求,然后分别详细讨论了子系统中传感器的选型、融合结构的选择、融合子系统中的数据传输,并在最后就如何实现对子系统中各机器人各传感器的状态进行监控的问题作了研究和介绍。4.结合多传感器数据融合子系统在RoboCup中型组去求比赛中的应用特点,介绍足球比赛环境的地图表示方法,并对多传感器数据融合子系统在机器人进行自定位、局部地图构建以及比赛系统的全局地图构建时涉及的算法进行了研究和探讨。最后,对算法的在比赛系统中的实际应用进行了实验,实验结果证明了基于数据融合的方法对全局地图创建的有效性。在论文的最后对全文进行了总结,说明研究的创新点及主要研究成果,同时指出自己的不足和有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Intelligent robot becomes another research hotspot after the industry robot. As a carrier of the intelligent robots research, football robot conforms the development direction of the intelligentized robot. The autonomous robot soccer tournament system is a senior form in football robot, and The research of sensing unknown environment and processing the dubious situation in autonomous football robot, has been a symbol of the robot’s competence in simultaneous localization and mapping, and also been the most important feature of an intelligent mobile robot in its intelligentize degree.In this thesis, the author took the multi-mobile intelligent robots as research platform, combining the application of middle-size league of RoboCup system, designed a multi-sensors data fusion subsystem which is made up of several robots, all sensors in each robot, coach computer, and correlative program. The data fusion subsystem is used for processing the environment information that collected by all sensors in each robot twice, and finally educe the all information of global map. It can promote the locating precision of system and extend the visible field of robots. This subsystem can meet the need of the performance in real-time and locating precision of competing system.This thesis including follows content:1. Introduced the significance of the research in robot soccer competition firstly, and then introduced the history and state of technology in robot soccer tournament system and multi-sensor data fusion system.2. Introduced the structure and principle of the whole middle-size league of RoboCup tournament system, and then make a simple explain about the five subsystems including vision subsystem, wireless communication subsystem, data fusion subsystem, decision-making subsystem and entity subsystem.3. Mainly introduced the designing process of data fusion subsystem step by step. Firstly analyzed the designing requirement of data fusion subsystem in middle-size league of RoboCup system, and then explained the choice of sensors that used to obtain environment information and the data fusion structure in subsystem, lastly discussed the management and watch of all states in the soccer tournament system.4. By analyzing the characteristic of middle-size league RoboCup system, introduced the mapping way of competition environment, and then introduced the correlative fusing arithmetic in self-localization, local map building and global map building. At last, the data fusion subsystem was used to do experiment, and made a analyzing report to the result of experiment.In the end , a conclusion made to the thesis, made out the points of innovation and the main result of research, at the same time, pointed out the weakness of thesis and the problem that need to improve.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】2
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