

Study on Beijing C&E Industry Development in the Period of Post-Olympic

【作者】 张淼

【导师】 李平生;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国会展经济发展的最初二十几年中,北京凭借其首都的身份和地位,在政府主导办展的大背景下,较早发展了会展业,确立了先行优势。但近年来,北京受到来自上海、广州以及一些新兴会展城市的竞争压力越来越大,北京会展业自身的一些矛盾也越来越突出的显现出来,一个直接的后果是北京的会展资源出现了较严重的外流现象。在这一时刻,北京迎来了一个历史性的重大事件——承办奥运。作为奥运会的主办城市,北京会展业发展的内外部环境已经并将要发生一系列的变化。这些变化对后奥运时期北京会展业的发展将产生深远影响。北京会展业内的一些专业人士基于对“后奥运低谷效应”的担心,对作为经济“晴雨表”的会展业在后奥运时期的发展表示了忧虑。本文主要应用产业经济学的相关理论对后奥运时期北京会展业的发展进行研究,以波特教授提出的钻石模型作为全文的基本研究框架,旨在帮助北京会展业明确自己在后奥运时期的发展定位以使行业求得更好的发展。全文共分五章。在第二章对北京会展业发展情况进行概要性介绍的基础上,进入论文的主体部分。在第三章应用SCP范式对北京会展业的同业竞争情况进行了系统的分析,总结出制约北京会展业发展的关键因素。接着在第四章采用从宏观到中观的分析思路对奥运会这一重大事件将对北京会展业产生的效应做了论述,从生产要素、需求条件、相关与支持性产业、以及政府作用四个角度总结归纳奥运对北京会展业竞争力产生的实质影响。最后在第五章从如何把握机会提升竞争力的角度,对于后奥运时期北京会展业的发展给出了建议。

【Abstract】 During the first twenty years of China convention-exhibition industry development, Beijing has taken its unique advantages as the capital of China to develop C&E industry more quickly than other cities in China. Thus Beijing get the first-move advantage in the C&E industry. In recent years the competition pressure, coming from Shanghai, Guangdong and other emerging C&E cities, Beijing need to face become bigger and bigger. Meanwhile, the interior contradictions of Beijing C&E industry become more and more acute. As a result, Beijing lost a lot of good meeting and exhibition projects. At this moment, there is a big event will happen in Beijing—the 2008 Olympic Games. As the holding city, the interior and exterior surroundings of Beijing C&E industry will change a lot. And such changes will take profound influence in the Beijing C&E industry future development. Some professional people in this industry take a negative opinion for the industry development prospect after 2008 Olympic Games based on the worry about "Olympic valley effect".On the basis of modern industry economics theory, this thesis takes study on Beijing C&E industry development at Post-Olympic period, which using the "diamond model" proposed by Porter as the basic study framework. The purpose to write this article is to make a clear positioning of Beijing C&E industry in Post-Olympic period in order to bring reference value to the healthy development of this industry.This thesis includes five chapters. Based on the brief introduction on Beijing C&E industry in chapter two, the study comes into the thesis’ main body. In chapter three, it uses SCP mode to make a systematic analysis of rivalry of Beijing C&E industry, summarizing the key restrictive factors for development of Beijing C&E industry. In chapter four, it discusses the "Olympic effect" that will take on competitiveness of Beijing C&E industry from macro to micro point of view. This discussion develops according to the four factors included in the "diamond model"--factor conditions, demand conditions, quality of related and supporting industries, government conduct. Finally, in chapter five, it gives suggestions on how to seize the opportunity created by Olympic to develop Beijing C&E industry in Post- Olympic period.
