

A Strategy to Reforming the Cape Verde Insurance Industry

【作者】 路易

【导师】 齐瑞宗;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 论文分析了佛得角的保险业现状,重点分析了保险业不断提高的服务质量和灵活性。本文的宗旨是通过分析保险市场存在的问题,为政策制定者提供建议,进而设定出保险业改革的详细行动计划。按照世界银行的评估,佛得角正处于不发达国家到发达国家的过渡阶段,因而吸引了更多的外国投资。国外投资增速很快,按照佛得角投资部的分析,从2000-2006年总共吸收投资100亿美元,预计这个数字在2007到2011年将达到620亿美元。保险公司从这些投资中受益,从1992到2006年保费以每年接近12.3%的速度增长,从2000到2006增长速度更快。这些增长主要来自于建筑、旅游和汽车业。虽然佛得角的保险市场还相对较小,但这种增长速度同样吸引了很多国外保险公司和银行家的关注。今年佛得角有可能要加入WTO,虽然佛得角的保险市场已经对外开放,但要想成为WTO的成员,还有很多要遵守的承诺,其中最重要的一条就是福利的改革和金融改革。我认为所有的这些改革将使佛得角的保险公司更有竞争力。但我也同样的担心,国内的保险公司如何面对国外强大的竞争者。福利的改革使国家对保险业提出了更高的要求,但政策制定者还要考虑国内的保险公司在面对国外的竞争者时的生存发展问题。经验表明,国外保险公司的进入,能够促进保险业的成长和多样化。伴随着今年保险业发展战略目标的出台,本文分析了保险产品,保险市场和保险政策问题,这是在任何改革的努力中都要考虑到的因素。这些分析的重点在于研究国外保险公司进入保险业所带来的实际影响,从而得出结论:1、总的影响是积极的;2、国内保险公司未来应采取什么样的竞争战略。为使佛得角保险业更有竞争力地发展,本文提出政策制定者应采取的措施,同时还分析了措施的采纳以及贯彻和执行问题。最后,本文为改革当前保险政策和法律框架提供了全面的战略规划,规划建议建立与西方发达国家类似的立法和公众关系机制,以便使政府当局和商业团体建立更富有成效的关系。

【Abstract】 This project analyses the current situation of Cape Verde’s insurance industry, focusing on its gradual development allowing more improvement and flexibility in its service. The goal of the project is therefore, to analyse the potential problems in the insurance market; to highlight recommendations for Capeverdean policy-makers; and to set out a detailed plan of action for innovation of Cape Verde’s insurance industry.Cape Verde is graduating from a Lesser-developed country (LDC) to medium-developed country (NDC) status, according to the World Bank, and the W.B. plan for infrastructure development and more foreign investment. This foreign investment has increased very quickly, with a total investment of USD1000 million from 2000 to 2006 and a predicted USD620 million from 2007 to 2011, according to Cape Verde investment statistics. Insurance companies benefit from these investments, and premiums have increased by nearly 12.3 percent annually from 1992 to 2006. Such growth is caused by construction, tourism, and the automobile sectors. This significant growth is also attracting the attention of more foreign insurance and banking investors, even though Cape Verde’s insurance market is relatively small.Next year Cape Verde will probably join the WTO. Even though the country’s insurance market is open, there remain some commitments the Cape Verde government must fulfil in order to become a member of the WTO. The most important commitments include social welfare reforms and financial reforms. All these reforms I am confident will make Cape Verde’s insurance companies more competitive. However, what remains particularly concerning is how domestic insurance companies will stand up against fiercer competitiveness from foreign companies. Welfare reforms are increasing the country’s need for a strong commercial insurance industry, although policy-makers remain concerned about how the domestic industry will fare in the face of foreign competition. Experience indicates that foreign participation in the insurance market can help Cape Verde’s insurance industry to grow and diversify.With the goal of developing a coherent strategy for regulating the insurance sector in the years to come, this project analyses insurance company products, market and political issues that will need to be accounted for in any innovation effort. These analyses highlight the real impact of foreign participation in the domestic insurance industry and conclude that 1) the overall impact of foreign activity will be positive, and 2) what strategies should be adopted by domestic companies in the near future to improve their competitiveness. This project also outlines the steps Cape Verde policy-makers will need to take in order to be more competitive in the country’s insurance industry and in considering what issues need to be adopted, as well as the issues needed to be addressed, implemented and enforced.Finally, this study offers a comprehensive strategy for reforming current insurance policy and the legal framework. The strategy highlights western style legislative measures and public relation building activities that can help Cape Verde’s authorities and business community develop more fruitful relations.

【关键词】 保险保险公司佛得角发达国家WTO
【Key words】 Insurance IndustryInsurance CompanyCape VerdeLDCNDCWTO