

【作者】 姜振鹏

【导师】 赵秀池;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新城不是一个新概念,大城市地区发展新城在二战以后在西方国家大量实践,基本达到或一定程度上实现了当初的规划建设目的。我国在建国以后的大城市规划与建设实践中,受限制于我国社会经济发展与经济体制的原因,新城建设大多停留在初级阶段,很多都只有一个规划而没有实践,或者很多大城市的新城建设只是“有其形而无其神”,鲜有成功的实例。从而使得我国在探索新城建设理论的时候比较谨慎,大多只停留在总结西方国家新城建设的经验基础上。与此同时,关于新城发展的研究更多的停留在新城空间规划、建设模式上,对于新城的产业发展缺乏深入的研究。随着进入二十一世纪,随着我国经济的迅猛发展以及“城市化”的加速,以北京、上海为代表的特大城市,为缓解自身发展过程中遇到的“大城市病”等问题,纷纷将发展新城作为出路。北京市更是通过于2007年发布的《北京市十一个新城发展规划(2005-2020)》的正式性文件,不仅将新城建设纳入到城市发展规划的框架中来,更是有了具体的指导方针与规划。本文从界定新城相关概念入手,回顾了国内外关于新城建设的相关理论,并通过对国外新城建设案例的分析和研究,总结出新城产业发展的经验。在此基础上,重点以北京顺义新城为例,结合《顺义新城规划(2005-2020)》中对顺义新城的城市功能定位与产业发展定位,分析顺义新城产业发展现状与规划目标的差距,从产业发展本身与城市功能支撑的要素——土地、人口、消费角度对产业的影响进行两个方面分析,同时给出详细、可行的发展建议。全文由七大部分组成:第一部分为前言部分,包括研究背景和意义、研究对象和内容、研究方法。第二部分为新城相关概念的界定,并对相关理论进行了回顾。第三部分为国外新城产业发展的案例研究,具体从新城产业发展的背景、及产业与新城城市功能的互相促进上总结和归纳。第四部分对顺义新城的产业规划定位进行了解读。第五部分为顺义新城的产业发展现状分析,指出了与产业规划定位的差距。第六部分从顺义新城城市功能的支撑要素——土地、人口、消费方面的现状及对产业发展的影响进行分析。第七部分为结合实际给出顺义新城产业发展的建议,从产业发展本身以及土地、人口等因素方面考虑。

【Abstract】 New town was not a new conception, New town development in the metropolitan areas in Western countries after the World War II largely practice, and the corresponding success achieved, or basically reached the original purpose of the planning and construction. After the founding of our country ,during the period of the city planning and construction, although the thinking and methods of the new town has been used, but restricted in China’s social and economic development and the economic mechanism, the New town building mostly stay in the primary stage and many of them are only one Planning without practice, a lot of big cities’ new town construction is only "has its shape without their god," seldom successful examples. Thus enabling China to explore the theory on the building of the new town more cautious and only remain in the summing up the construction of the Western countries on the basis of experience. At the same time, research on the development of the new town more remain in the new town space planning, construction model, the new town’ s industrial development lack of in-depth study.As we enter the 21st century, with the rapid development of China’s economy and the accelerated process of "urbanization", some big cities, for example, Beijing, Shanghai to ease the problem in the process of their own development, new town development has been used as a way out. Beijing municipal government issued " 11 New town Development Plan (2005-2020)" -the official document, it will not only put the building of the new town to the city development planning, but also a more specific guidance .This paper starts with the definition of new town -related, recalling the theory of new town industrial development at home and abroad, and through the case studies of the new town industrial development of Japan, summed up the experience of new town industrial development.On this basis, with the analysis of the definitions for city function and industry of Shunyi new town from the planning, points out the gap between the currents and the planning. Finally, suggests how to enhance the Shunyi new town industrial development.The paper is composed of seven chapters:The first chapter is the forward, including study background and significance, object and content, methods and form.The second chapter firstly defines "new town", and the correlate theories of new town industrial development.The third chapter mostly make a real diagnosis analysis, summarizes the experience of Japan new town industrial development.The fourth chapter analyzes the planning of the Shunyi new town industry, thus it will be the aim of the Shunyi new town industrial development.The fifth chapter studies the current position of the Shunyi new town industrial development, points out the gap between the currents and the planning.The sixth chapter studies the current position of Shunyi new town’ city function, and the impact of it to the new town industrial development.The last chapter is the conclusion of the paper, give some feasible proposals to the Shunyi new town industrial development, from different diversions-industry itself, the utility of land and the population.
