

【作者】 高欣欣

【导师】 邢亚平;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 住房问题是关系国计民生的重大问题,解决中低收入家庭的住房问题是政府应切实负起的责任。2007年是中国住房制度改革历程中的一个里程碑,国务院颁布《关于解决城市低收入家庭住房困难的若干意见》,勾勒了中国市场经济体制下住房制度的总体框架,被誉为“住房制度改革的第三次变革”,文中重点提出健全廉租住房制度和经济适用住房制度的相关政策,住房保障制度被提到前所未有的高度。本文是以北京市住房保障制度为研究对象,立足于2007年国务院和北京市颁布的住房保障新政策及住房保障新政策在北京市宣武区和丰台区具体推广实施实践,运用社会保障理论和公平分配理论,采用实证分析和规范分析相结合、定性分析和定量分析相结合的研究方法。首先,阐述了住房保障制度的相关概念和指导理论、总结了中国目前几种典型的住房保障制度运作模式;其次,介绍了北京市住房保障制度发展阶段、北京市保障性住房的主要类型和发展现状;再次,结合住房保障新政策在北京市,主要是宣武区和丰台区的具体实施情况,重点研究北京市保障性住房的用地规划和房源供给、保障性住房的供应对象和审核制度;最后提出了北京市保障性住房在用地规划、房源供给、供应对象和审核制度方面存在的问题,运用理论分析和实证研究,提出了几点切实可行的解决对策,为北京市进一步完善住房保障制度提供可供参考的意见。

【Abstract】 Housing is an important item to the national plans and common people’s livings, so it is a responsibility for the government to solve the problem of housing of the intermediate and low income families. The year of 2007 was a landmark in the history of Chinese housing system reform when State Council of China has issued Several Opinion about Solving the Housing Difficulty of the Urban Low Income Families which had depicted the total frame of housing system under the background of Chinese market economy system and so was honored as the "third Chinese housing system reform". It has stipulated relevant policies of completing the Cheap Rent Housing System and Economical Housing System, while the housing guarantee system became a highlight here.This essay starts from the new housing guarantee policies issued by State Council and Beijing municipality and the detailed spreading and implementation practices of the new housing guarantee systems in Xuanwu and Fengtai districts of urban Beijing, utilizes the social guarantee theory and the equal distribution theory, adopts the researching way of combining the empirical analysis to the regular one, qualitative analysis to quantitative one, and then give a comprehensive research to the housing guarantee system of Beijing municipality. Firstly, it describes the relevant concepts and guiding theories, summarizes several present typical operation models of housing guarantee system; secondly, it depicts the development stage of Beijing municipality housing guarantee system, main types of guaranteed houses in Beijing municipality and its present development state. Thirdly, combing the detailed spreading and implementation practices of these systems in Beijing municipality especially in the district of Xuanwu and Fengtai, this essay focus on the land utilization plans, the house source supply of Beijing municipality guaranteed houses and the receiver and examination system of the guaranteed houses. Lastly, it depicts the main problems in the aspects of the land utilization plan, house source supply, receiver and examination systems of the guaranteed houses, and then gives several feasible resolutions, all these will become the important references for further perfecting the housing guarantee system in Beijing municipality.
