

Research on the Evaluation Scale Compilation of University Strategic Plan

【作者】 邱世磊

【导师】 刘向兵; 秦惠民;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 基于高校自主管理的战略规划乃至战略管理在我国越来越多地使用,其理论和实践意义已经得到了学界和政府的认可。我国在高校战略规划的实践中,缺少对战略规划方案的评价这一环节。本研究就旨在开发一套具有信度效度的高校战略规划方案的评价量表,依据量表分析高校战略规划方案是否符合高校战略规划的理念、理论及其他要求。本论文首先通过对20世纪60年代以来国内外有关高校战略规划的研究进行分析,总结出有关高校战略规划方案的评价内容,在此基础上提出了高校战略规划方案评价量表的理论架构。其次,参考《校长培训与学校发展规划项目学校评估指标纲要》和《英国高校战略规划指南》等材料来构建具体的判断标准,并经专家审核,研究者试评,效度、信度分析,修正完成初步的评价量表。量表的评价维度分为方案的战略性、整体性、可操作执行性等三个方面。此评价量表设计为三等量表,共包括15个具体评价题项。评价量表的科学性、可行性分析,主要包括以下两个方面。首先,对其进行项目分析、效度分析,对量表进行修订,保证其必要的信度和效度。其次,使用修订后的量表对一所高校的发展规划方案进行评价,分析相关专业人士评价结果的一致性,本文进行了第一个方面的研究。研究结果显示:量表效度和信度都比较良好。最后,本文对量表的使用进行了说明,并对高校发展规划方案评价量表的下一步研究提出了若干建议。

【Abstract】 As the university strategic planning basing on university own management is used more and more ,its meaning in theory and practice is recognized by our government and educational researchers. However, there is no evaluation of plan in our nation’s university strategic planning evaluating practice. This paper focuses on making a evaluation scale with high reliability and validity, through the analysis of university strategic development planning, to judge the plan-making is whether adaptable to the idea, principles and requests of theory of university strategic plan or not.In this research, we analyze the researches on the university strategic planning since 1960s, and give a conclusion to the evaluation of university strategic plan. Then, we make a theory construct of university strategic plan evaluation scale. Second, we give a detail judging scale based on the“Indicators Program to Evaluate the Schools of SLT&SDP”,“Strategic Planning in Higher Education-A Guide for Heads of Institution, Senior Managers and Members of Governing Bodies”, and so on. After being checked by reliability and validity, the scale can be divided by three scales: they are plan’s strategic, overall and operability, etc. This scale is a third class, which contains 15 evaluation questions.The scientific and feasibility analysis include two steps: First, through program analysis, reliability analysis to redesign the scale; then use the redesign scale to evaluate one university strategic plan. However, because of the limit to the time and resources, the research only implemented the first step.At last, this paper gives illustration of the use of the scale and some suggestions for the improvement of the evaluation scale of university strategic plan.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】558