

On the Bourn of Education

【作者】 李小敏

【导师】 胡弼成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教育境界是指教育主体觉解而形成的一种意义世界,是教育主体的“灵明”所照亮了的他所生活于其中的意义世界。既包括教师在教育实践活动中觉解到从教动机、教学技能、专业角色等实在意义之后而生活于其中的意义世界,又包括学生在学习过程中觉解到其自身的学习的实在意义而生活于其中的意义世界,还包括实施教育活动的学校团体在行使社会赋予的教育使命过程中觉解到教育价值的实在意义后而生活于其中的意义世界。从内涵出发,教育境界可以分别从“个体”层面和“整体”层面来审视。以“教师个体”的维度来审视教育境界,教师的从教动机、教学技能、教师对专业角色层次的自我定位是三个审视的视角。从教师的从教动机这一视角来看,教育有谋生、责任、幸福三种境界;从教学技能这一视角来看,教育有“全牛”、“筋骨”、“无牛”三种境界;从教师对专业角色层次的自我定位这一视角来看,教育有经师、人师两种境界。以“学生个体”的维度来审视教育境界,有受动教育、感受教育、享受教育三种境界。从“整体”层面来审视教育境界,则有以“物”为主要价值取向和以“人”为主要价值取向两种境界。教育的理想境界是“人本”价值取向下主体的共赢发展。教育活动不仅要追求境界,更应追求高境界。提升教育境界是人性发展使然,是教育本质的要求,是教育质量的前提。“行”和“悟”是教育境界提升的两条路径,学校、教师、学生是教育境界提升的主体。在此两条路径上,教育境界的提升方法多面且多样。

【Abstract】 The bourn of education suggests a world of meaning perceived and formed by education subjects. The bourns are worlds illuminated by ’soul’ and worlds where the three types of education subjects live in respectively. Its connotation can be perceived as follows. One refers to a meaning world comprehended by educators after they perceived the actual significance of teaching motivation, technique and profession role through teaching practice. The other indicates a meaning world formed by students when they perceived the actual significance of learning during acquisition process. And still other is a meaning world constructed by school units after they perceived the actual significance of education value during the process of implementing pedagogical activity. The bourn of education can be connoted from two dimensions- individual and holistic respectively. Meanwhile, the individual perspective can be further divided into two aspects, of ’the teacher’ and ’the student’. The former one can be examined from three perspectives, the teachers’ motives of engaging in education, their teaching techniques, and their self-localizations for the level of their professional role. Firstly, as to the motives, there are three ascending levels of making a living, a sense of responsibility, and a status of enjoyment. Secondly, as to the teaching techniques, bourns can be divided into three: an overall sensational cognition, a rational cognition upgraded from sensational cognition, and a comprehensive understanding of the essence. Finally, as to the teachers’ self-localization, there are two hierarchies: instructing as well as lecturing particular professional knowledge; and conducting students to better behave themselves. The latter one of the dimension of students’ includes passive reception of education, awareness of education, and the highest level of enjoying education. If we overlook education in a holistic perspective, there are two bourns, object-orientation and human-orientation. The ideal bourn of education should follow the value judgment of human-orientation and create a two-win model enabling both teachers and students to acquire their own developments. Pedagogical activities are expected to pursue a higher bourn. To elevate the bourn of education is a necessity of individual development, a request of the essence of education, and a premise for ensuring education quality. Practice and cognition pass for two paths to upgrade the bourn of education, and during the upgrading process teachers, students, and schools are considered to be the subjects. Along these two paths, there are a variety of concrete ways and methods to realize our desired bourns of education.

【关键词】 境界教育境界教育主体教育本质
【Key words】 BournEducation bournEducation SubjectEducation essence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期