

On the Legal Protection of Right to Privacy about Personal Credit

【作者】 张献

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 市场经济是信用经济,个人信用征信势在必行,而在个人信用征信过程中,征信的客体是个人信用信息。若不考虑主观因素,个人信用征信的客体就属于个人信息隐私权的范畴。而隐私权,作为一种人格权,历来是各国民事立法保护的重点。国际社会对于个人私生活权利的保护也早已突破了传统的局限于个人人身权和财产权保护的概念,个人信息的隐私权得到认可并在国际、国内经济生活中占有越来越重要的地位。因此在个人信用征信中,涉及到信用信息披露和保护信用信息隐私权的双重要求,这种冲突实质是知情权与隐私权、不同利益、效率与自由冲突的体现。个人信用征信与隐私权保护是一种替代关系,如何协调此矛盾,不同的国家由于各国的政治、经济、文化、法律、道德等因素的不同,在彼此协调中各有侧重。但不管怎样,都必须坚持公共利益、利益衡量、自愿、目的特定原则。对于我国,由于信息隐私权法律保护体系的不完善,现行法并未将个人信息作为直接的保护条款,对隐私权也未作明确的规定,只是在对公民名誉权保护的同时,间接地保护公民隐私权。在个人信用征信方面,存在法制体系薄弱、机构运作规范性差。有关信息保密的法律与征信开展相冲突等问题。对于这种情形,笔者认为,应该至少建立一个自上而下的三维法律体系:首先,应从明确隐私权法律保护的宪法基础、在民法中确立隐私权的独立人格权地位、增加隐私权侵权的民事责任、增设隐私权侵权行为的刑事责任等方面来完善隐私权保护的一般规定。其次,在比较借鉴他国立法经验的基础上,加快我国信息立法,体现政府在尊重隐私权方面的强制性态度。最后,构建个人信用活动中隐私权保护的具体规则,即从征信、储存、管理等环节来对个人信用信息提供者、征信机构、信用信息使用者予以法律约束,尤其应明确界定征信信息的范围,哪些是隐私,如何合法地去征信,征信报告的使用范围是什么,体现政府的引导与协调。只有这样,在个人信用活动中,公民的隐私权才能真正得到保护。

【Abstract】 The market economy is an economy based on credit, personal credit is imperative, In the course of personal credit, personal credit information is the object of personal credit.If not to consider subjective factors, the object of personal credit belongs to the scope of personal information privacy. And the right to privacy, as a personal right, has been the focus of civil legislation. the protection of personal privacy also has been broken the traditional concept about personal and property protection, and the privacy of personal information has been recongnized and gained a more and more important position.in the international and domestic economic life .Therefore, in personal credit there is the conflict relating to the disclosure of credit information and the protection of privacy, the conflict is the conflict of different interests, of efficient and free,of the right of information and privacy. Personal credit and privacy protection is an alternative, how to coordinate the contradictions in different countries due to political, economic, cultural, legal, moral factors the result is different. But in any case, we must uphold the principle of public interest, of interest measuring, of voluntaring and of specificing.For our country, because the legal protection system of information privacy is imperfect, the law does not direct the personal information as the protection clause, the right to privacy has not been clearly defined, but in the protection of the right of citizen’s honour at the same time and indirectly protecting citizens’ privacy. In the personal credit, there are problems of weak legal system, low legislated level, poorly standardized operation of the agency, conflicting about the confidentiality law of information and the credit. For such cases, the author believes that should establish a legal system from top to bottom 3D.Firstly,should perfect the general provisions of privacy protection from clearing constitutional foundation, establishing the independent right to personality in the Civil, and adding privacy violations and criminal responsibility. Secondly, should speed up China’s information legislation referencing from other countries’ experiences on the basis of legislation, reflecting the mandatory attitude of the Government in respect for the privacy .Finally, should construct the specific rules of privacy protection. that is, from credit, storage, management, and other aspects of personal credit activities to strengthen the protection of privacy, particularly should define the credit information ,standerdize credit procedures and determ the use scope of personal credit report, what reflects the government’s guidance and coordination. Only in this way, in personal credit activities, can the privacy of citizens really be protected.

【关键词】 个人信用征信隐私权法律保护
【Key words】 Personal CreditPrivacyLegal Protection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】291