

Surveying English Majors’ Awareness of Native and Target Socio-cultural Differences

【作者】 陈隽

【导师】 张文忠;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本篇论文针对中国英语专业学生的跨文化交际能力做了一项实证性研究。其目的在于探寻英语专业学生在跨文化语境下交际能力的表现,并测试英语学习者对于母语与目的语之间社会文化差异的文化意识和文化敏感度。本研究的受试是60名来自湖南大学外国语学院大学三年级,大学四年级和研究生二年级的学生。受试按要求完成了问卷(关于英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的调查问卷)的填写。本研究的数据分析采用的是描述性统计分析和相关性分析的统计方法。通过对数据的定量分析,本研究得出以下发现:1)本研究中学生的跨文化交际能力不太令人满意。虽然受试在价值观和道德信仰等意识方面表现出了一定的对于母语和目的语(中文和英文)之间社会文化差异和跨文化交际现象的敏感度,但是在大多数情况下,他们的这种跨文化意识并没有转化成为外在的行为能力。他们仅仅了解一定的文化事实和社会文化差异,但是并不知道这些差异为什么产生以及如何处理这些差异。所以在实际运用中,最常出现的情形便是英语专业的学生对于某一跨文化语境下的交际场景仍不自觉的按母语文化的交际规则来应对。2)学生的语言能力和跨文化交际能力并不直接相关。语言能力更好的学生一直被认为相应的具备更高的跨文化交际能力。然而研究表明,虽然语言能力能一定程度上有助于学生跨文化交际能力的习得,但是它并不能保证学生具有合格的跨文化交际能力。跨文化交际能力是一个综合的系统的概念,并不是一味的语言能力加上文化事实的了解。3)母语和目的语之间的社会文化差异对学生有着相当的影响,特别是反映在价值观,道德信仰这些观念意识层面。一方面,这些影响对于学生的价值观和观念思维起了正面的作用,开放和综合性的思维方式等潜在的变化可以让我们更好的与外面世界交流融合。另一方面,我们也不能忽视其负面影响,如果没有正确的引导,学生的价值观在中西文化冲击下很容易有偏差。4)现行的课内文化习得渠道并不是学生获得文化信息和跨文化交际能力的最佳途径。虽然英语专业学生相对理工科学生有更多的接触英美文化和相关信息的机会,但是现行的大学英语专业的文化教学模式存在一定的缺陷,并不能达到很好的培养学生跨文化交际能力的教学目标。课内的文化习得途径在教材,教学方式,教师本身的文化意识等方面仍有很大的改进空间。基于以上研究发现,文章进一步对二语文化教学提出了以下的建议。二语文化从业者和二语教师对于跨文化交际能力应该有一个清晰和准确的理解。虽然这是一个很复杂的集合体,包含了系统的能力要素,但是其中的两点是立足点:交际技能和跨文化意识。老师和学生都应该有意识去提高交际能力而不是单纯的语言能力。在课堂教学中,文化教学的方式可以更多元化一点。学生更偏爱的课外文化习得途径也可以借鉴学习,运用到课堂中来。对二语文化教学的有效方法的探索也成为迫切需要。当学生面对文化冲击心理上产生迷惘等不良情绪的时候,教师应给予及时而正确的指引。学生的心理感受不应忽视,价值观导向在二语教学中同样也很重要。

【Abstract】 This empirical study is designed to explore Chinese English majors’intercultural communicative competence and their sensitivity and awareness of L1-L2 (Chinese-English) socio-cultural differences. A total of 60 students from different grades and majors in Hunan University Foreign Languages Department are chosen as the subjects of this study, who are required to complete the questionnaire (The Intercultural Communicative Competence Questionnaire). The statistical techniques employed for data analysis are descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Through the interpretation of the quantitative results, we have the following findings:1) Learners’performance of intercultural communication is not satisfactory. We could discover the evidence that English majors are sensitive to some L1-L2 socio-cultural differences and intercultural phenomenon, but most of the time, their awareness simply stays at the level of knowing what they are, not why these happen and how to handle with these. Therefore, in actual use, it turns out to be like this: English majors do not know how to behave appropriately in most intercultural communicative situations.2) The learners’level of awareness of social- cultural differences turns out to have negative relationship with their L2 proficiency. The learners who have better command of English (the language) are supposed to be better competent intercultural speakers. However, language proficiency which could promote and enhance the acquisition of ICC can’t guarantee the competence of intercultural communication still. ICC is a combination of many abilities that differentiate from adding cultural knowledge and facts up by using the language. Instead, we need to stir up the potentials, hone the language ability and integrate various awareness and skills.3) Learners’awareness of native and target socio-cultural differences has a lot of influences on their cultural identity, especially on the aspects of behavior, belief, moral and value judgments. On one hand, the influences endow the learners with positive effects. We are glad to see the subtle but good changes in the young people’s beliefs. The open and international way of thinking represents the linkage between China and the outside world. On the other hand, the mixtures are not that perfect. Chinese culture and English culture belong to two totally different cultural value systems which arouse many misunderstandings in intercultural communicative practices. Also in the survey, we can find that, because of cultural influences, the participants are often confused about their beliefs, moral and value judgments. The problem is how to handle the confusion and move on with both own native culture and target culture. 4) Chinese English majors are open to varieties of accesses to English culture, because the modern communication networks (e.g. television, the Internet and magazines) make it now possible for English learners to acquire any information about English culture. Through the survey, however, learners do not think classroom is the most effective and interesting method of acquiring the information they want, instead they prefer more entertaining way to absorb pertinent intercultural information and intercultural communicative skills. Based on the findings of the research, we have the following implications for the teaching and learning of L2 culture:First, a good L2 culture practitioner or any L2 teacher should have a clear and accurate idea and framework about intercultural communicative competence (ICC). It is a complicated combination of many systematic abilities, but two are the keys: skills and intercultural awareness. The teachers and students should pay more attention to the enhancement of communicative skills not simply language ability.Second, in classroom, the approaches of L2 culture teaching could be more multiple and attainable. The methods of acquisition for intercultural information and skills outside classrooms could be borrowed into our classrooms and encouraged. Other practical ways can be taken to stir up students’interests in culture classes.Third, the English learners’confusion and other harmful inner feelings evoked by cultural shock and intercultural differences is an urgent problem in L2 culture teaching. How to deal with these psychological and emotional issues in intercultural communication deserve more emphasis. Teachers should give prompt and proper direction to help students move on with both their own native culture and target culture and moreover the inner feelings from the culture shock can not be neglected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】384