

A Study of the Effects of Corrective Feedback on Learning the Third Person Singular Form of Simple Present Tense Verbs by Chinese Middle School Students

【作者】 张薇

【导师】 陈晓湘;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对国内中低水平的中学生英语学习者做了一项关于纠错式反馈的实证性研究,目的在于探讨在任务型交互活动中,两种最具代表性的内隐纠错式反馈即重铸性反馈与引导性反馈对学习者一般现在时第三人称单数学习的影响。此外,本文也检测了经重铸性和引导性反馈后,学习者修正性语言与目标语学习的关系,及学习者对反馈的注意与目标语学习的关系。本实验持续七周,共进行了一次预先测试,四轮任务型诊断,一次即时后测,一次延时后测和一次注意访谈。本实验以30名中国南方某中学初二学生为研究对象,其中男女生各15名。所有受试随机分为三组,接受不同实验条件的处理。重铸组10人,男女生各5人,针对受试目标语错误提供二字重铸性反馈;引导组10人,男女生各5人,针对受试目标语错误提供引导性反馈;对照组10人,男女生各5人,针对受试目标语错误不提供任何形式的反馈。延时后测结束后,实验组受试接受了注意访谈,调查他们实验处理中对测试员反馈的注意程度。访谈结束后,所有访谈录音文件转成文本,作为本研究的参照数据。本文采用社科统计软件包(SPSS, 13.0版本)对实验数据进行定性和定量分析,主要采用的统计方法为描述性统计分析,单因素方差分析,配对样本T检验,独立样本T检验和皮尔森相关系数分析。通过对实证数据的分析,本文得出以下结论:1)预先测试中,三组受试对一般现在时第三人称单数的掌握不甚理想,各组没有出现显著差异。经过四轮任务型交互活动诊断后,各组受试进步显著,在即时后测中各组成绩差异显著,重铸组受试成绩最高,然后是引导组,最后是对照组。在延时后测中,虽重铸组与引导组受试成绩所有下滑,但反馈效果仍得到保持,仅对照组受试对一般现在时第三人称单数的掌握没有显著进步。2)接受引导性反馈后受试产出的修正性语言与受试一般现在时第三人称单数的学习紧密相关。而多数情况下,接受重铸性反馈后受试产出的修正性语言及受试自发产出的修正性语言与目标语学习没有紧密联系。3)通过与受试一对一的注意访谈,接受重铸性反馈或引导性反馈后,受试对目标语言问题的注意与他们一般现在时第三人称单数的学习紧密相关。基于以上研究发现,本文对课堂中英语教学和学习提出了一些建设性建议。针对学习者的语言错误,英语教师应即时提供系统一致的纠错式反馈,且应考虑到学习者的认知能力,采用清晰明确的纠错式反馈。在教学过程中,教师需容忍学习者暂时的语言错误,为学习者提供更多的时间和机会进行语言的对比和修正。此外,教师也应尝试采用更多有效的方法帮助学生注意到自己的语言问题,最大限度地减少教师与学习者之间的反馈认识差距。

【Abstract】 This empirical study is designed to investigate the effects of corrective feedback on Chinese low-intermediate middle school students, with an attempt to research into the role of two typical implicit corrective feedback (recasts and elicitations) on middle school students’learning the third person singular form of simple present tense verbs in task-based interactional activities. Meanwhile, it examines the correlation between the learners’modified output in response to two different corrective feedback techniques and their target language learning and the correlation between the learners’noticing of two corrective feedback techniques and their target language learning respectively.This study lasts about seven weeks, and employs a pre-test, four treatment sessions, an immediate post-test, a delayed post-test and a noticing recall interview. The subjects in the present study are 30 students from Junior Grade 2, a middle school in South China, including 15 boys and 15 girls. There are three treatment conditions. Therefore, the 30 subjects are randomly assigned into 3 groups: the recast group (n=10, 5 boys and 5 girls): only two-word recast moves are provided; the elicitation group (n=10, 5 boys and 5 girls): only open-ended elicitation moves are provided; the control group (n=10, 5 boys and 5 girls): no feedback is provided. The subjects in two experimental Groups are interviewed after all post-tests and measured their noticing of the interviewer’s feedback.The SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 13.0) is used as a statistical analytical instrument. The statistical techniques employed for analysis are Descriptive Statistics, One-Way ANOVA Analysis, Paired-Samples T test, Independent-Samples T test and Pearson Correlation Co-efficient Analysis.Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis, three conclusions are generated:(1) In the pre-test, the subjects’mastery of the third person singular form of simple present tense verbs in three groups is not satisfactory, but there is no significant difference. After the four treatment sessions, all of them make significant improvement. Among them, the subjects in the recast and elicitation groups benefit more than those who are in the control group. Furthermore, recasts are more effective than elicitations. The effects are still sustained in the delayed post-test. However, the subjects in the control group do not make any significant improvement in the delayed post-test. (2) The subjects’modified output in response to elicitations is closely related with their third person singular form of simple present tense verbs learning. However, in most cases, the subjects’modified output in response to recasts and subjects’self-generated modified output can not contribute to their target language learning.(3) By use of the noticing recall interview with the subjects individually, the subjects’noticing of either recasts or elicitations is significantly correlated with their third person singular form of simple present tense verbs learning. Based on the above conclusions, the pedagogical implications of the present study for second language teaching and learning are explored. Teachers need to be systematic and consistent in their provision of feedback, and the corrective feedback should be clear enough to be perceived. In addition, in the teaching process, the techniques employed should allow for time and opportunity for learners to compare and modify their output. Finally, teachers should adopt more effective ways to close a match among their intents, the targeted errors, and the learners’perception of the given feedback.

【关键词】 纠错式反馈重铸引导修正性语言注意
【Key words】 Corrective feedbackrecastselicitationsmodified outputnoticing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】410