

The Seismic Response Analysis of the Steel Frame-Concrete Core Structure with Outriggers

【作者】 刘斌

【导师】 舒兴平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来我国高层建筑蓬勃发展,其特点是向高度更高、体型更复杂、功能更齐全、综合性更强的方向发展,随着高层建筑高度的进一步增大,侧向力作用的影响相对增大,侧向变形也变得越来越大,所以水平荷载成为结构分析与设计的主要问题。钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构当抗侧刚度不满足设计要求时,可考虑沿竖向利用建筑避难层、设备层,设置适当的水平伸臂构件,构成带刚臂的高层建筑结构。在风荷载作用下,设置刚臂是一种减少结构水平位移的有效方法;但在地震作用下,刚臂的设置会引起结构刚度、内力的突变,并易形成薄弱层,结构的损坏机理难以形成“强柱弱梁”、“强剪弱弯”的延性屈服机制。目前,伴随着带刚臂的钢框架―混凝土核心筒结构的广泛应用,研究人员对最佳刚臂位置与数量做了大量的理论研究,但其研究的理论大多基于平面模型与计算假定,这和实际三维空间建筑有很大的区别,因而建立三维空间模型进行分析研究对于带刚臂的钢框架―混凝土核心筒结构的设计具有重要的指导作用。因此,本文在结合前人对刚臂研究的基础上,建立了三维空间计算模型,采用有限元分析、设计软件ETABS对带刚臂的钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构的地震反应进行了多方面的计算分析,从中总结出刚臂的位置、数量、刚度以及节点的连接方式改变时,其地震作用下结构地震反应的一般规律,地震反应包括对结构低阶自振周期、顶点位移、最大层间位移角、外围钢框架承担的地震力等几个方面。论文进一步分析了地震区带刚臂的高层结构的动力时程响应,针对其动力反应的特点,探讨了刚臂的设置在抗震设计中应注意的问题,总结了相应的有效措施和解决方法,并提出了地震区采用带刚臂的钢框架―混凝土核心筒结构的设计要点,对于同类高层和超高层建筑在抗震设计中提供了借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 High buildings of our country grows vigorously in recent years, and their characteristics are higher height, more complicated forms, more complete functions and better comprehensiveness. With the development of the high-rise building height, the influence of lateral force has become relatively stronger and lateral distortion has become larger and larger, so the lateral loads become more important in the structural analysis and design. When the steel frame-concrete core structure is not so strong, the refuge story and facility story with the reasonable horizontal cantilevers should be considered to form the high-rise building having outriggers. But settings of outriggers will result in the sudden variation of structural stiffness and internal force, and will come into being weak story. The yield mechanism will difficultly form“strong column, weak beam”and“strong in resistance of shear force, weak in resistance of bending moment”.At present many theories about the best location and numbers of outriggers are put forward with the steel frame-concrete core structure with outriggers betaken in many places of the world, but these conclusions are mostly based on the plane model and supositions,so it is necessary to study the outriggers based on three-dimensional models.In this paper, based on three-dimensional models, seismic response of the steel frame-concrete core structure with outriggers are researched based on the research results achieved by former researchers with the finite element analysis software (ETABS). As the results of a large number of analyses and comparisons, seismic response of the location, quantity, stiffness of the outriggers and connection forms are presented in detail and some design concepts are suggested for reference in the structural design of complicated tall buildings. The main seismic response is introduced, including low level period, top displacement, layer displacement angle, internal force of the steel column and so on. The design outlines of the steel frame-concrete core structure with outriggers are presented in the seismic region. A serials of problems are put forward in aseismatic design, and some effective measures and solutions are supplied, and design suggestions are proposed on putting up outriggers to high-rise structures, which brings forward effective basis and very good reference function to the similar high buildings and skyscrapers in aseismatic design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU973.17
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】156