

The Research on Exterior Window Energy-saving of Resident Building in Different Zones of China

【作者】 方姗姗

【导师】 陈友明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的快速发展和能源供应的日益紧缺,节约能源己成为我国可持续发展的重要战略。建筑作为能耗大户,建筑节能工作已刻不容缓。以往也有过很多关于建筑节能的研究,但大多数是针对公共建筑的,本课题的研究对象是住宅建筑。因为住宅建筑的普遍性,而且由于其内在结构、功能等方面的特点,不可避免会存在能源消耗方面的浪费,所以对住宅建筑的研究在节能方面具有极大的潜力。住宅节能已成为建筑节能工作的主要研究对象之一。本课题在寒冷地区、夏热冬冷地区和夏热冬暖地区各选择一个代表城市——北京、长沙和深圳作为研究对象。利用eQUEST能耗模拟软件对不同地区住宅建筑的运行情况进行能耗模拟研究,并且采用不同的外窗节能措施,分析其对各地区空调能耗的影响规律。论文的主要研究内容及成果如下:(1)模拟分析了外窗玻璃两种性能参数(遮阳系数S c、传热系数U )对各地区空调能耗的影响,寒冷地区居住建筑节能侧重点应该是外窗玻璃传热系数,夏热冬冷地区应同时考虑玻璃的保温及隔热性能,夏热冬暖地区应尽可能的减小玻璃遮阳系数。(2)分析了不同类型外窗节能玻璃的节能潜力,并通过计算静态投资回收期得出各地区最经济的玻璃类型,其中寒冷地区双层透明玻璃是最经济的方案,单层Low-E玻璃和双层透明玻璃都比较适用于夏热冬冷地区,夏热冬暖地区热反射玻璃是最经济的方案。(3)模拟分析了不同的外窗朝向上窗墙比的改变对空调能耗的影响规律,确定了各地区适宜的外窗朝向及窗墙比。(4)基于外窗朝向对能耗影响的研究,针对长沙地区东西朝向外窗和深圳地区外窗进行固定外遮阳板的能耗模拟及分析。随着外挑系数的增加,采暖能耗增加,制冷能耗减少,其中夏热冬冷地区外遮阳板对全年能耗影响不大,夏热冬暖地区外遮阳板节能效果很好,其中南向节能效果最为明显。本文的研究再次证明住宅建筑外窗的节能潜力很大,大力推广外窗节能设计有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s national economy and the growing trend of energy shortage, energy conservation has become an important strategy for sustainable development in China. As an important component of the energy consumption, the strategy for Building energy-saving has no time to delay.Previously there have been many studies on the building energy-saving, but most of them are for public building. The study object of this paper is resident building for its popularity. The resident building wastes a lot of energy due to its structure and function characters. There is great potential in energy conservation in resident building, and the energy-saving of resident building is an important part of the strategy for Building energy-saving.Representative cities have been chosen respectively in cold, hot summer & cold winter and hot summer & warm winter climate zones as study objects in this paper. These cities are Beijing, Changsha and Shenzhen.Various exterior window energy-saving measures in the resident building are evaluated by eQUEST energy simulation software, and its impacts on the air-conditioning energy consumption are discussed deeply. The research contents and results are as follows:(1) By combined simulation, the influence of the performance parameters (heat transfer coefficient, shading coefficient) of window glass on the air-conditioning energy consumption has been studied. It is concluded that the energy conservation of buildings in cold climate zones should focus on the heat transfer of the exterior window. In hot summer & cold winter area the heat transfer coefficient and shading coefficient of window glass should pay attention to simultaneity. While in hot summer & warm winter area the shading coefficient should be reduced as much as possible.(2) The energy conservation potential of several types of exterior windows is studied. It is indicated that the double-clear glass is the most economical one in cold area. Single Low-E glass and double-clear glass suits for hot summer & cold winter area while in hot summer & warm winter area heat radiation glass is the best choice.(3) By combined simulation, the influence of the change of the windows to wall ratio,The suitable ratio of window to wall and the building for the three cities are provided in this paper; (4) The energy consumption for heating increases but for cooling reduces along with the increasing the exterior extending parameter. The influence of shading board hardly affect the yearly energy consumption in hot summer & cold winter area but substaintialy influence the energy consumption in hot summer & warm winter area.The research result of this paper proves that the potential of energy efficiency of exterior windows is great, and it is significative to popularize the energy-saving design of exterior windows.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU201.5
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】592