

On the Introduction of Deep-Rock Doctrine in China

【作者】 毕婷婷

【导师】 郑鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “深石原则”产生于美国判例,它是指在子公司破产程序中,如果母公司通过实施“不公正行为”获得对子公司的债权,母公司的不当债权应当劣后受偿于子公司其他债权人。这一原则对解决我国现实中存在的母公司利用债权方式攫取子公司资产、损害子公司其他债权人的问题有很大的借鉴意义,真正体现了债权平等原则的真谛。同时,它对举证责任的要求,比公司法人格否认制度低,是对公司法人格否认制度的有益补充,它与公司法人格否认制度从不同层次、不同方面平衡了股东、债权人和社会的利益,实现了真正的公平。但目前,国内对子公司债权人保护的研究,主要集中在公司法人格否认制度上,对“深石原则”多在谈到公司法人格否认制度时一并带过,我国新修改的《公司法》、《破产法》也并没有引入这一原则。令人遗憾的是,我国现有的法律法规并不足以保护子公司债权人的利益,在司法实践中甚至出现了有悖于“公平、正义”的判例。可喜的是,我国立法部门、司法界对引入“深石原则”进行了积极的探索,最高人民法院《关于审理公司纠纷案件若干问题的规定(一)(征求意见稿)》引入了“深石原则”,但其并没有法律效力,并不能很好的保护子公司债权人的利益。因此,真正的引入该原则,必须将其引入到我国的法律中,如:《公司法》、《破产法》等,使其理念在各项制度中明确化、具体化;同时,在适用深石原则的过程中,必须把握其适用的原则、适用的对象、适用的要件以及适用的法律效果,以便更好的平衡各方利益。

【Abstract】 “Deep Rock Doctrine”was originated from a judicial precedent in U.S.A. If the controlling company manages to be the creditor of the subsidiary company by improper means which of course break the good faith as a shareholder, the controlling company’s credit will lie behind the other creditors of the subsidiary company to be paid when the subsidiary goes bankruptcy. The doctrine is significant for us to deal with the problems of the controlling company getting the assets and damaging the interests of obligees of the subsidiary company by obligatory way. It embodies the essence of the equitable principle of obligatory rights. At the same time, comparing with the disregarding of corporate personality, although the evidential burden in Deep-rock Doctrine is not important, but the doctrine balances the interests of shareholders, obligees, and the society from different levels and aspects.At present, the research on the protection of obligees of the subsidiary company in China does not focus on Deep-rock Doctrine but the disregarding of corporate personality. The new Company Law and Bankruptcy Law do not consist of this doctrine.The present rules and regulations in China can not protect the interests of obligees properly, what’worse, there are unjust cases in the justice practice. The regulation draft about hearing the disputes of companies of Supreme Court introduces Deep-rock Doctrine, but the legislation’s level is low and unfeasible. Therefore, in order to make the doctrine effective we must improve the legislation level, make the rules clear and specific, such as, the principle, the object, the condition and the legal effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】338