

Implementation Condition and Planning Methods of P&R System in Metropolitans

【作者】 陶媛

【导师】 朱晓宁; 陈金川;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 停车是静态交通的重要组成部分。但长期以来,停车规划都未受到足够的重视,而今随着机动车保有量的迅猛增长,停车问题已成为城市交通的大难题。值得注意的是,我国大城市是在交通基础设施条件、交通管理水平相对不足的情况下,应对机动化交通快速增长的压力,这就会使停车设施短缺、道路拥挤、环境污染、交通安全等问题更加突出。至此,仅加强交通基础设施建设、提高整个路网的交通容量已难以满足交通需求,因此一些大城市在交通战略层面上提出了停车换乘这一措施。由国外实践表明,作为交通需求管理的一种手段和政策,停车换乘可以降低城市中心区的交通拥挤程度。本文参考国外先进经验,结合我国大城市的实际情况,对停车换乘系统的实施条件及规划设计方法进行研究。主要工作有以下几个方面:1.阐述了停车换乘系统研究与实践的现状,简要介绍了停车换乘系统的基本理论,包括停车换乘的定义、产生发展、类型及作用等,又从正负效应两方面总结了停车换乘的实施效果。2.利用逻辑描述及模型量化的方法分析了停车换乘系统实施的条件,并对北京市设置停车换乘系统进行了可行性分析。3.描述了停车换乘行为过程,采用出行行为与意向调查方法分析了停车换乘选择行为的影响因素。4.重点研究了城市停车换乘系统具体的规划设计问题,包括停车换乘布局选址、停车换乘需求预测、停车换乘规划评价等。5.最后对停车换乘实施的相关政策进行研究,包括停车产业化政策、公共交通优先政策及中心区拥挤收费政策。本文的重点与难点在于,文中在对以上理论进行研究的基础上,结合北京市实际交通状况进行了北京市回龙观地区停车换乘系统选址及需求分析,并利用TransCAD软件对所规划的停车换乘设施的效果进行仿真评价。

【Abstract】 Parking is an important part of static traffic. But for a long time, parking facilities planning did not have enough attention. Along with quick urbanization and motorization developing, urban areas of cities in China have been experiencing a significant increase in traffic congestion. At this point, only strengthen the transport infrastructure construction or improve the road network capacity can not meet traffic demand, thus introducing the concept of the Park and Ride. Practice from abroad shows that as a means and policy of traffic demand management, Park and Ride can reduce urban central area traffic congestion.This paper provide a more suitable planning approach for our Park and Ride system referring to the advanced foreign experience and the actual situation of China’s largest city. The mainly contents of this dissertation includes:1. Study and practice situation of P&R is expounded. Basic theories of P&R including definition, development , type of role and positive and negative effects are introduced briefly2. P&R implement conditions is analyzed using logic and model describe method. Then a feasibility analysis of P&R in Beijing is carried out.3. P&R acting process is described. And impact factors of P&R choice are analyzed by the RP/SP survey.4. The design issues of P&R system, including the layout of the site, the demand forecasts and the planning evaluation are solved.5. Some relevant policy of P&R is researched at the last.The focus and difficult of this paper is combined with the actual traffic situation of Beijing, do the Park and Ride system site selection and needs analysis of Beijing Huilongguan area, and use TransCAD software simulate the effects on the planned Park and Ride facility.

  • 【分类号】U491.7
  • 【被引频次】14
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