

The Marketing Innovation of General Management Software

【作者】 颜世衍

【导师】 林玳玳;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通用型管理软件的目标市场是为数众多的中小型企业,中小型企业具有经营灵活,流程简单,一人多职等运营特点;在信息化需求方面要求价格低廉、实用、简单易用、服务全面及时;采购的特点是对价格敏感、决定权在老总、同行朋友是其重要的信息来源和决策影响者。虽然目标市场潜力巨大,但过去传统的营销模式较为落后,无法适应快速普及化的市场要求,需要有所创新和突破。根据市场的需求特点和通用型管理软件的特点,结合对旧的营销模式的分析的基础上,经过“从销售到营销”、“从循环到创新”等思想理念的转变之后,通过头脑风暴和逻辑推理、数据统计等理性分析,本文选择出了三种较为新颖的营销模式,再通过SWOT分析、价值链和战略图等工具分析之后,最终确定出“创新营销”是一个较为有价值的、可实施的营销创新战略。创新营销突破原有的思维,充分把握了“营销就是‘满足他人的需要且自己也能赢利’”和“创新就是‘破坏性创造’”这两个理论依据要点,以取得和巩固市场领导地位为目的,将管理软件的销售和服务分开运作和业务管理为导向作为突破点,使销售和服务更加专业化,从而实现降低企业和客户的成本以及提升客户的价值,具体的做法包括专业化运作、价格拆分、行业推广、团购、以业务管理为导向等等。创新营销战略的实施需要进行组织结构调整和流程再造,建立有利于成功实施的绩效和激励机制以及培训学习机制,平衡计分卡方法是量化和细分创新营销战略重要的工具,是落实上述实施工作的重要方法。在完成通用型管理软件的营销创新同时,本论文也表明营销和创新对于企业和客户乃至整个社会来说是十分重要的,也是十分必要的。

【Abstract】 The target market of general management software is the numerous Small and Medium Businesses(SMB),the SMB operating with a flexible, simple process, person of multi-duties and so on, the informationization demand of the SMB request low prices, practical, easy-to-use, full and timely services, The purchase characteristic is sensitive to the price, and the decision made by boss with his friend’s influence. The potential of general management software market is huge, but the old marketing mode was comparatively backward, is unable to adapt the rapid popularization market requirement, needed to have the innovation and the breakthrough.Based on the market demand characteristic and the general management software’s characteristic, unifies to the old marketing mode analysis foundation, the author of this study produced many ideas through the brains storm and the rational analysis, and then through the SWOT Analysis of the value chain and strategic plans, and other analysis tools, finally, chose a best one from the three kind of more innovative marketing mode which produced through the brains storm and the rational analysis.The strategy of innovation marketing breakthrough original thought, it’s goal is obtains with the consolidated market leading positions, and it can reduce business and consumer costs and improve customer value, the main point is separates management software’s operation: sale and service, including more specialized, price split, industry promotion, business-oriented management, and so on.The innovation marketing strategy execution needs organizational restructuring and process reengineering, establishes series mechanisms such as performance & incentive mechanism and the training & study mechanism, the Balanced Scorecard is an important tool to quantify and the segment innovation marketing strategy, is an important method to carry out the above implementation work.While completes the marketing innovation of general management software, this study also shows that marketing and innovation for businesses and customers and even the society is very important and very necessary.

【关键词】 通用型管理软件营销创新价值战略
【Key words】 General Management SoftwareMarketingInnovationStrategy
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.672
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】267