

The Design and Implementation of ESB Based SOA Framework

【作者】 杜万雅

【导师】 路鹏; 张红延;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 面向服务架构(SOA)用开放的标准把企业的业务功能包装成标准的服务,这种服务通过明确的、与实现无关的接口来定义,服务被松散绑定,并且可以通过强调位置透明性和互操作性的通信协议进行调用。企业服务总线ESB是一种在松散耦合的服务和应用之间标准的集成方式,它包含了实现SOA分层目标所必需的基础功能部件。在SOA中引入企业服务总线的思想,实现不同服务之间的智能化管理,这样就解决了SOA中服务的位置乃至服务请求的底层协议透明的问题。本文基于SOA实现的基本原则,结合企业服务总线(ESB)思想,参考SOA分层实现理念,将ESB引入SOA分层实现中,通过使用Servlet技术和结合配置文件,取消了部署复杂的Web服务注册中心,研究实现了基于ESB的轻量级SOA架构(ESB-SOA)。这样,为企业应用提供一个灵活的架构,使企业应用服务易于集成并且提高可重用性。在系统实现方面,本文针对在普通应用中的特点,把ESB-SOA分为六层:客户端层、服务请求处理层、业务处理层、服务层、构件层和系统数据库层,为快速实现系统提供了一套简单的模型。最后将该轻量级SOA架构成功应用到海淀区政府督查办电子政务系统中。

【Abstract】 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has gradually become an architecture that is suit for modern enterprise. Its main idea is packing the enterprise’s business function into standard services using open standards. Those services called each other through interfaces that are explicit and independent of realization. The services are also loose-coupled and called through transparency and interoperability of communications protocol.Enterprise Service Bus is a standard integration mode between loose coupled services and applications. ESB includes necessary fundamental components for implementing layered structure of SOA.Introducing ESB into SOA, and implementing the intelligent manage of different services, solved the problem that SOA ask service protocol and lactation transparent.We introduce ESB into implementing layered structure of SOA, based on principles for implementation of SOA and combined with enterprise service bus. We refer the materials about implementing layered structure of SOA. We cancel the complex Web service registration center by using Servlet and configure file. We study and implement a light weight SOA framework based on ESB. We could use simple HTTP protocol to access all services. So, it provide a flexible architecture for enterprise application, make application integration easier and improve the reuse capability.According to the characters of general applications, the paper divided ESB-SOA into 6 layers: Customer layer, services’ request-processing layer, business-processing layer, services layer, service-components layer, database layer, which provide a simple model for system quickly implement. And

【关键词】 SOAESB企业应用服务分层设计
【Key words】 SOAESBEnterprise application ServiceDelaminating design
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】1195