

Research on the Application of Zero Defect in the Software Development Process Management

【作者】 白云

【导师】 王稼琼;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 克劳士比在60年代提出零缺陷思想,其核心是质量即符合要求,在工作中的每一道工序都一次把事情做好是提高产品质量代价最低的方式。已经在制造业等领域获得广泛的成功应用。软件开发过程的研究已经经历了几十年,一直想向建筑业靠齐,想达到同样的生产率、同样的产品质量,无奈软件产品远比建筑复杂,产品本身的不确定因素以及对产品的生产者依赖都过强,软件工程的效果始终无法达到建筑工程的水平,产品质量缺乏有效的控制。将零缺陷思想引入软件研发管理领域,可以从软件开发的几个主要过程分别着手,包括需求管理、软件设计、编码、测试。其核心思想就是我们虽然无法严格检查软件开发每个环节的最终结果是否完全消除了缺陷,但我们可以保证开发过程中每个过程环节都不折不扣的认真完成。在需求管理中,最重要的两点一个是了解用户的真实需求,另一个是在整个开发时段内锁定大部分需求,在一个开发小阶段中锁定所有的需求。在软件设计中,一方面要注重软件业务架构的设计,一方面要考虑软件的容错、可维护性等因素。在编码过程中,要有统一的编码规范,对于共享部分要及时进行重构,不畏麻烦回溯到设计更改,并通过有效的检视和单元测试消除代码中的各种微小隐患。在测试过程中,要使用增量集成的测试方法,并且尽量利用测试自动化来监控缺陷修改对整个系统的影响。另外一个高效的缺陷跟踪系统也十分必要。在管理上,首先要强调零缺陷的做事态度,所有计划使用的质量监控措施要落实到位,不能因为工期而缩减必要的质量保证措施,项目经理有责任去争取合理的工期,并制定正确的绩效牵引方向。本研究的不足之处一是分析不够完整深入,二是缺乏实践数据的支持,但是从目前的情况看,零缺陷日益深入人心,应用前景广阔,将零缺陷思想引入软件开发领域必将起到积极作用。

【Abstract】 Crosby raise the zero-defect at 1960s. Zero-defect, thinking as a revolutionary concept of quality in manufacturing-oriented enterprises, it has played an enormous role and extends to the service sector, and so many other industries.The software engineering had developed for many years, and wishes to reach the level of architecture domain. But software quality assurance has more different to traditional production. It has strong uncertainty in the software development process. The quality of software is difficult to control.Based on zero defect in the traditional management activities in the industry can play a key factor in the effectiveness and impact of software research and development process in all aspects of the quality of the root of the problem because, the paper will try to find some ways of improving the use of zero-defect software development process management methods.To import zero-defect thinking into domain of software development, we can consider primary process of software development including requirement management, software design, coding and test. The kernel idea is we can assure the quality control in every development process be executed completely even though not all defects in the product be eliminated.One of shortage of the paper is the analysis isn’t thorough and cover all aspects of software development management. The other one is lacking of practice data. But from current circumstances of quality assurance domain, the zero-defect thinking is agreed globally and importing it into software development management will take positive effect.

【关键词】 零缺陷软件质量
【Key words】 Zero-defectSoftwareQuality
  • 【分类号】F407.672
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】208