

Research on Industrial Enterprises Choose Marketing Channels

【作者】 董钢

【导师】 朱兵;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 企业如何才能更好地应对日益恶劣的竞争环境,有效地提升企业自身的核心竞争力,已经成为决定企业生死存亡的关键因素。而核心竞争力不仅体现在特定的技术和诀窍上,更体现在企业对整个渠道的有效建立和管理方面。在当今企业经营绩效的创造中,营销渠道处于举足轻重的地位。渠道管理己经成为整个营销界的一大营销难题,而在关于营销渠道的理论研究方面,无论是从研究数量的多少,还是研究技术的成熟程度,渠道研究远远不及其它营销因素受到人们的重视,正是由于这种现实情况,本文也才有了现实意义。企业如何选择营销渠道及模式并使之与企业整体发展战略相匹配,为企业保持高效发展做贡献;促进企业整体营销战略的优质运行;使企业在竞争激烈的市场中处于领先;使企业能够借助营销渠道短时期难以被其他企业复制和替代,得以改良和发展企业的核心竞争力。本文从产业市场选取一家低压电器产品的生产企业的案例来讨论其是如何选择营销渠道及模式。本文对上述产业市场行业背景和市场环境进行分析,然后综合产业发展的预测分析来确定营销渠道选择战略。本文首先通过深入分析市场特点和行业背景,结合该电器厂的实际情况,总结出该低压电器厂的SWOT分析图;然后分析企业现有营销模式的优缺点,详细阐述该企业如何选择适合的营销渠道及模式;最后提出立体模式的营销渠道,并对其包含的竞争策略,分销商管理模式,销售模式,服务模式,塑造品牌策略等进行详细说明。本文着重结合实际案例进行深入阐述。通过本文对该低压电器企业选择营销渠道及模式的研究,希望能对产业市场企业选择适合自身发展的营销渠道及模式有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 How to rethink enterprises marketing strategies? It becomes a key factor in their survival. The competitiveness is reflected not only in a specific technology, even more apparent in establishment and management of effective business channel. Marketing scholars make important contribution to the business performance.Channel management became a difficult problem in marketing. On the marketing channels of theoretical research, either from the number of research or technical level, far less than other channels of marketing research. So, our research have a practical significance.How to choose marketing channels and models? It should match to overall development strategies, contribute to development, promote overall marketing strategy operation, let enterprises being in a leading position in the competitive market and improve the core competitiveness. So enterprises can avoid to be reproduced and replaced by other enterprises in short period of time.The paper selected a enterprise of low-voltage apparatus from the industry markets and discuss how the enterprise choose its marketing channels and models. The paper analyses background on the industry and forecast industrial development to determine the strategic marketing channels. First, the paper analyses market characteristics and actual situation of the enterprise, to sum up the SWOT analysis chart. Then it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the existing marketing model and elaborated how to select the appropriate model of marketing channels. Finally, it sums up the three-dimensional model of marketing channel, and elaborate its competitive strategy, distributors management, sales model, the service model, shaping brand strategy. This paper elaborates base on the actual case.Research on a enterprise of low-voltage apparatus, which chooses the model of marketing channels. It is hopes to be considered as a reference to other industrial enterprises when they choose their own marketing channels.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】319