

Research of Methods of Hydraulic Balance of Air Conditioning Water System

【作者】 张会琴

【导师】 杨庆山; 成通宝;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对空调水系统的平衡方法进行了相关研究。首先分析了空调水系统计算及其中的特定参数压差、流量及阻抗之间的相互关系;分析了调节阀的流量特性、流量系数及阀权度,继而阐述了平衡调节阀的原理及特性,为平衡方法的研究打下理论基础;通过对管网的水力平衡计算,提出平衡计算的相关原则,得出逐时负荷工况下系统的不平衡率情况,然后对异程式系统不平衡的情况,设置同程式系统和应用平衡调节阀的方法对其平衡;根据水力平衡计算结果及平衡调节阀的特性,在水系统中依次试计算选择静态平衡阀、动态压差平衡阀及动态平衡电动调节阀实现系统的水力平衡,分别确定它们的位置、型号及相关参数,实现系统的全面水力平衡;最后通过长春市某商场的工程实例对所研究的平衡方案进行应用分析,最终使得整个水系统实现全面平衡。

【Abstract】 This article has conducted the related research in view of the approach of hydraulic balance of air-conditioning water system. Firstly analyzed the calculation of air conditioning water system, which discussed the relationship between the specific parameters of pressure, flow and impedance, and analyzed the characteristics of the flow, the flow coefficient and the valve authority of control valve; then elaborated on the theory and of balancing valve and lay the theoretical basis for research; hen proposed the relevant calculation principles of hydraulic balance, calculated the hydraulic balance of water system in operating condition; then set up reverse return system and apply balancing control valve to get its balance, according to the results of hydraulic balance and properties of balancing control valve, in the water system calculated to choose static balance valve, dynamic differential balancing valve, dynamic electric balancing valve, to achieve dynamic equilibrium The hydraulic system balance, respectively, then determined their location, type and the relevant parameters, thereby achieve a total hydraulic balance; finally adopted the research approach to explain elaborately their application by the example of the Shopping Centre of Changchun City, and made the whole water system to achieve total hydraulic balance.

  • 【分类号】TU831.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】249