

Research on Logistics Operation Mode of Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise

【作者】 侯志刚

【导师】 陈学东;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 信息管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国加入WTO,世界汽车制造巨头的陆续涌入,汽车市场竞争的日益炽热化,汽车利润空间急剧缩小。这就给我国汽车生产型企业的生存与发展提出了严峻的挑战。当降低生产资料成本、提高生产效率的竞争发展到一定程度之后,企业竞争的焦点开始由生产领域转向流通领域,企业管理目标从物资、人力资源转向了物流这个“第三个利润源泉”。中国汽车生产企业的物流成本较高,占销售额的比例普遍在15%以上,而欧美的比例是8%左右,日本汽车厂商甚至可以达到5%。汽车价格一降再降,只有物流能节约成本,获得利润。如何降低物流成本、提高服务水平,成为汽车生产商在提升竞争力过程中所关心的重要课题。本文主要分为三个部分:发展物流业对中国的重要作用、汽车生产企业所涉及到的物流业务以及对北京现代汽车公司物流情况的分析。第一部分主要借助中国物流与采购联合会和中国仓储协会提供的统计数据,分析中国物流的现状及物流对中国发展的重要作用。第二部分主要依靠查阅大量汽车生产型企业有关物流业务的相关资料,分析汽车生产型企业的物流运作,从汽车零部件的采购物流、生产线上的生产物流、整车销售物流以及回收物流四个部分构建汽车生产企业物流运作模式。第三部分通过实地走访北京现代汽车有限公司,借助问卷调查、公司介绍和现场观察的方式,理论联系实际,以实际案例阐述汽车生产型企业物流业务的具体运作。

【Abstract】 As China jointing in WTO, a lot of automobile manufacturers enter the Chinese market, result in intense competition in the Chinese automobile market, the space vehicle rapidly shrinking profits. Chinese automobile enterprises to the survival and development face a grim challenge. When reduce costs and improve production efficiency of the development of competition to a certain degree, the focus of competitive enterprises began to flow from the production areas of the field., enterprise management objectives from the material and human resources to the logistics of this "third profit source."This paper analyzed three issues: the development of logistics industry to China’s important role, automobile production enterprises involved in the logistics business and Beijing Hyundai Motor Company of the logistics of the situation. The first major content through China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Association and the Chinese storage of statistical data, analysis of the status quo of China’s logistics and logistics of the important role of China’s development. The second inspection mainly rely on the large number of automobile production-oriented enterprises of the logistics business-related information, analysis of automobile production-oriented enterprises of the logistics operation, including the procurement of auto parts logistics, production line of production logistics, vehicle sales logistics and recycling logistics. The third mainly rely on field visits Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. Through the survey, the company introduced at the scene and observed the way, theory with practice, it is easy to understand even more true of the car production-oriented enterprises of the specific operation of logistics business.

  • 【分类号】F259.2;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1318