

Design and Implementation of the Principle Prototype for Low-speed Maglev Train On-board Operation Control System

【作者】 朱敏洁

【导师】 郑伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的磁悬浮技术大部分采用的是常导吸力型技术,磁浮列车的牵引系统位于车上,磁浮列车的运行控制主要由车载运行控制系统完成。中低速磁悬浮列车的运行和控制方式与传统的轮轨不同,并且运行间隔一般要求较短,对运行的安全要求较高。因而,以地面信号作为控制行车速度的主要依据的方式不再适用于磁浮的安全防护。中低速磁浮列车需要一个高可靠的车载运行控制系统,以保证和监督磁浮列车按照一定的运行策略安全、高效的运行,实现列车间隔防护、超速防护等防护功能。国内对于中低速磁浮列车车载运行控制系统的研究仍处于起步阶段,对于车载运行控制的功能与系统结构尚仍然处于探索阶段。因此分析中低速磁浮列车车载运行控制系统的功能需求,研究运行控制系统的总体结构,建立中低速磁浮列车运行的防护模型,对于指导开发能够实用的车载运行控制系统具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。本文所做的主要工作如下:第一,介绍了中低速磁浮列车的运行机理及车载运行控制系统的总体结构,分析了中低速磁浮列车车载运行控制系统的功能需求。通过借鉴高速磁浮和轮轨运行控制系统的安全设计理念,针对中低速磁浮运行控制系统的需求,提出了一种新的中低速磁浮车载运行控制的总体结构,并针对系统的功能,给出了软件总体设计和硬件架构。第二,分析了中低速磁浮速度防护曲线的模式,以及磁浮列车动力学模型,推导出中低速磁浮列车车载控制系统中的紧急制动曲线、最大速度曲线及列车牵引运行曲的计算公式,给出了防护曲线计算的算法流程。第三,根据中低速磁浮列车运行控制系统功能需求,基于Mega162单片机研制车载运行控制系统的硬件仿真平台。然后基于设计的下位机系统的功能需求,编制了下位机控制软件;针对上位机的功能要求,编制了上位机仿真软件。第四,采用数字仿真与半实物仿真相结合的手段,基于搭建的仿真平台,对样机系统的防护功能进行仿真测试。验证设计的车载运行控制系统样机的速度防护功能。

【Abstract】 In China, most of Maglev trains are based on electromagnetic suspension technology. The traction system of the train is on the vehicle, and the main functions of train operation control are performed by the on-board control system.There are many differences between the Maglev trains and the wheel-rail. The Maglev train, whose headway is shorter than wheel-rail, requires highly operation security. The method that control the operation of train based on the ground signal is not fit the Maglev train any more. Therefore, a new and reliable on-board train operation system is needed for the safety operating of the Maglev train.The researches on the on-board Maglev train operation control system are still on the beginning stage in China. The function requirements and the general structure of system of the Maglev train operation control system have not been defined clearly yet. Thus, our works will give some foundation for the building of practical equipment, the works are as follows:Firstly, the working mechanism of Low-speed Maglev Train and the structure of Operation Control System were analyzed, the requirement of on-board Operation Control System was analyzed in detail and based on which a general design of the on-board Operation Control System was given.Secondly, the mode of speed-protection curve was discussed, and calculation formula was given, including the emergency braking curve, common braking curve and train traction curve, by analyzing the physical model.Thirdly, a simulation platform of the on-board Operation Control System was designed based on the Mega162, according to the functional requirement of the system.Fourthly, the debug of the simulation platform was shown to validate the function of the speed-protection.

  • 【分类号】U266.4
  • 【被引频次】2
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