

Research of Fuzzy and PID Dynamic Switching Control Algorithm

【作者】 齐琳

【导师】 刘泽;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 PID控制技术以其结构简单、稳定可靠、容易实现、理论体系成熟等特点,在实际工程中得到了极为广泛的应用。它可以消除系统的稳态误差,但其快速性与超调量之间不可调和的矛盾关系、对被控对象参数变化较差的适应能力,使得这种算法在一定程度上难以满足高标准的技术要求。模糊控制能够保证系统在快速响应的同时保持较小的超调量,且对被控参数变化有较强的适应能力,但却不可避免的在控制过程中存在稳态误差。本论文从工程应用的角度出发,针对上述两种控制算法各自的特点,将两者有机地结合在一起,实现优势互补,提出了一种模糊PID动态切换控制算法。论文的主要研究工作如下:1、研究了PID控制与模糊控制算法的原理和特性,分析两种控制方法的优点与不足,探讨了一种融合两种算法优点的新算法的重要性。2、为降低计算复杂度,使控制算法便于在嵌入式系统中实现,本文以成熟的PID算法与模糊控制算法为基础,设计了一种新型的模糊PID动态切换控制算法,来提高控制系统对被控对象参数变化的适应能力。3、结合列车制动控制系统对模糊PID动态切换控制算法进行了仿真,对算法的可行性进行分析和验证。同时,对列车制动控制系统分别采用经典的PID控制、纯模糊控制、以及自适应模糊PID控制,将它们的控制效果与采用模糊PID动态切换控制的效果进行对比,验证模糊PID算法的控制品质;对模糊PID动态切换控制算法对被控对象参数变化及外界干扰的适应能力进行仿真和分析,验证该算法针对列车制动系统这类被控对象参数变化剧烈的系统的适应能力。4、根据模糊PID动态切换控制算法,设计了一种基于单片机的列车制动测试系统,并对该测试系统的工作原理、硬件系统和软件设计流程进行详述。

【Abstract】 PID control algorithm has been widely used in the real control engineering for its advantages such as structure simplicity, stable, easy realization and mature in theory. It has the advantage to eliminate the error, but the characteristic, which the contradiction of rapidity and overshoot is hard to balance and poor adaptability of control object parameter variation, make the algorithm difficult to meet the high level requirement of control quality. Nevertheless, fuzzy control algorithm which has strong adaptability of control object parameter variation can ensure the fast response and less overshoot for the control system, but it has the disadvantage of static error remaining.A kind of fuzzy and PID switching algorithm which bases on switching control strategy has been proposed in this thesis by combining the advantages of fuzzy control and PID control algorithm according to the real control engineering application. The main work of this thesis includes:1. Theory and design methods of fuzzy control and PID control algorithm are analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages have been summarized. The importance of the new algorithm which fuses the advantages of fuzzy and PID control algorithm has been illustrated.2. To reduce the complexity of calculation and to make the algorithm easy to use in embedded system, a novel fuzzy and PID dynamic switching control algorithm is brought forward based on mature PID and fuzzy control algorithm to acquire the adaptability of control object parameter variation.3. Fuzzy and PID dynamic switching control algorithm is proposed and simulated by using Simulink. The simulation is based on a kind of air press following control application of train break test system. The simulation results are also analyzed and compared with PID control algorithm, fuzzy control algorithm and a kind of fuzzy adaptive control algorithm to verify the control quality and adapt ability of fuzzy and PID dynamic switching control algorithm.4. A kind of train brake test system based on fuzzy and PID dynamic switching control algorithm is designed and its principle, hardware and software systems design process have been elaborated.

  • 【分类号】TP273.4;U270.35
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】855