

Analysis of Management Innovation for Central Business District in Beijing

【作者】 李宏平

【导师】 王稼琼;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在经济全球化和中国经济持续快速发展的背景下,基于CBD建设发展的历史和现状,以实证研究和定性分析为主要方法,对北京CBD的管理创新进行了分析和研究。文章从回顾国内外CBD理论和实证研究的概况入手,把握CBD研究的趋势和规律,确立研究方向和领域。概述国内外CBD建设发展的历史和现状,比较分析全球性成熟CBD和国内CBD的形成模式,研究CBD的管理概况,分析CBD发展过程中政府和市场的作用,同时探讨CBD的发展规律和未来发展趋势。在文章的核心和重点部分,从北京CBD政府管理沿革、管理组织结构和区域协会等三方面对北京CBD的管理历史进行综述,接着阐述了北京CBD管理的现状及问题,并对其原因从体制、区划、法规和现实情况等四方进行分析,最后着重论述了北京CBD管理创新的基本原则和创新设想,提出从法规政策、政府行为、市场手段和社会力量等四个方面进行创新的思路。由于水平及条件所限,本文对于北京CBD管理创新方向的论述尚不够深入全面,其可行性尚需检验。此外,文章在结论部分提出CBD功能区的概念,以及CBD功能区管理创新的新课题,有待进一步论证。

【Abstract】 At the background of world’s economic globalization and fast development of Chinese economic, this paper analyzed and studied the management innovation of Central Business District (CBD) in Beijing by the methods of demonstration analysis and qualitative analysis, which is based on the development history and current situation of CBD in Beijing.By reviewing theories and qualitative analysis of CBD at home and abroad, this paper grasped the trends and rules of CBD study, and established its unique research way and area. It summarized the development history and current construction status of CBD in China and abroad, compared the forming model of mature CBD around the world with the CBD in China, studied the general management situation of CBD, analyzed the roles of government and market in the course of CBD development. At the same time, it also discussed the development disciplinarian and future trend of CBD.At the core and pivot part of this paper, it summarized the management history of CBD in Beijing from 3 aspects: management evolution of government, organization structure of administration and regional associations. Also, it expatiated the current situation and problems of management of CBD in Beijing. Then, it analyzed the reasons of these problems form aspects of system, layout, laws and current situation. At the last, it offered the ways of innovation from 4 aspects: laws and rules, government administration, market adjustment, community forces.As the lack of some conditions and research limits, this paper need to do some more work in the deep discussion on how to improve the management innovation of CBD in Beijing, and need time to future exam its feasibility.

  • 【分类号】F727
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】347