

The Research of Motorola for Marketing Strategy in China

【作者】 许洪明

【导师】 李卫东;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 营销战略是公司希望实现其营销目标所依据的思维逻辑。营销组合是整个营销战略的重要组成部分,是现代营销学的主要概念之一,是指公司为使目标市场产生预期反应而整合的一系列可控的、策略性的营销工具。营销组合由公司为影响其产品需求而采取的一切措施构成。这些众多可能的措施可以归集为四组变量,即“4Ps”:产品、价格、分销渠道和促销。合理的营销组合是公司用以促进目标市场定位的有效工具。本文正是基于对营销组合的认识,以中国手机市场为基础,通过分析中国手机市场的竞争结构和摩托罗拉面临的竞争环境,主要从摩托罗拉营销策略的四个组合出发——产品、价格、渠道和促销来揭示摩托罗拉公司2007年前后在中国手机市场的营销战略。为摩托罗拉扭转当前形势提供参考,并为中国国产手机厂商突破瓶颈提供借鉴。本文总共包括五章。第一章主要介绍了本文创作的背景信息;第二章简要介绍了4Ps营销组合理论及研究方法;第三章在介绍中国手机行业的发展历程和现状的基础上,重点分析了各竞争品牌营销组合方面的不同策略;第四章详细介绍了摩托罗拉公司的发展历程及其在中国营销环境下的4Ps营销组合及存在问题;第五章主要针对摩托罗拉面对的问题提供改善建议。

【Abstract】 A marketing strategy is the marketing logic whereby the company hopes to achieveits marketing objectives. Marketing Mix is an important component of marketing strategy, one of the major concepts in modern marketing. Marketing Mixis a set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce theresponse it wants in the target market. The Marketing Mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The many possibilities can be collected into four groups of variables known as the 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion. The reasonable Marketing Mix constitutes the company’s tactical tool kit for establishing strong positioning in target markets.This thesis is based on the understanding of 4Ps Marketing Mix and its impact on the further development of Chinese mobile phone industry, arriy out the analysis on market competitive model and four aspects ranging from product, price, distribution and promotion to disclose the market strategies in mobile phones for Motorola in 2007 to furnish my suggests for internal company.This thesis includes five chapters. Chapter I gives an introduction of background information about this thesis. Chapter II gives a brief introduction about the theory of 4Ps marketing Mix. Chapter III analyzes the current strategies of 4Ps Marketing Mix for different competition brands by introduction the development about China mobile phone industry. Chapter IV introduces the history of Motorola and analyzes Motorola’s 4Ps Marketing Mix under Chinese marketing environment and its issue. Chapter V offers the advices to Motorola and implications of Motorola’s successful 4Ps Marketing Mix to Chinese mobile phone industry.

  • 【分类号】F426.63
  • 【被引频次】10
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