

The Design and Implementation of Match Remote Advising for Sport System

【作者】 刘令君

【导师】 赵会群;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着高速计算机网络、数字压缩技术以及大容量存储技术的快速发展,基于网络的远程指挥服务逐渐成为现实。在各种突发事件、自然灾害、军事应用、体育比赛等各个方面指挥系统都有很大应用的空间。然而由于服务质量和服务水平受到网络带宽瓶颈和Internet自身设计问题的限制,用软件实现远程指挥系统并没有得到广泛的使用。如何充分利用当前迅猛发展的计算机网络技术、智能技术、信息技术并开发出先进的远程指挥系统成为新兴的研究课题。体育比赛远程指挥系统能够把远程分析的数据以丰富的图像、图形、图表的形式展现给教练员,协助教练员分析比赛的现状,获得运动员的最佳得分、失分路线及区域等。通过体育比赛的实时视频教练员可以分析出运动员的最佳得分动作,失分动作等。因此一个设计良好的体育比赛远程指挥系统对于提高运动员的比赛成绩,辅助教练指挥比赛具有重要的作用。本文通过对远程数字指挥系统的关键技术进行分析和研究,尝试性开发了一个计算机体育比赛远程指挥系统。系统由两大部分组成:赛场现场系统终端、远程指挥决策现场终端。实现的功能包括:实时现场图像监看、赛场数据实时传送、现场应急指挥、比赛数据分析及展示等功能。在体育实时视频传输方面本文在分析和比较目前各种视频编码技术和标准的基础上,应用H.263视频压缩模块对采集视频进行大比率压缩,以保证比赛视频在网络上能够流利的传播。本文主要使用VFW开发包对比赛现场视频进行采集、处理;采用成熟的DirectShow技术来实现视频流的回放功能把画面清晰的回放在教练员的面前。在数据传输方面主要采用TCP、UDP、RTP相结合传输数字视频的方法。同时使用数据库技术来实现体育比赛结果的分析和展示;并用FTP协议对文件数据,数据库数据进行网络传输。对于视频数据网络传输中的重点、难点技术,如传输数据的连续性、网络流量控制、网络延迟时间监控、音频编码方案调整、多线程等技术,给出了相关的解决方案和程序实现代码。为满足基于Internet的体育比赛实时音频视频流传输对网络带宽、时延和丢包率的要求。本文在RTP/RTCP协议的基础上,系统的通讯双方通过判别网络拥塞状况后自适应调整音频视频编码方案,从而使得实时体育比赛音频视频流的在Internet传输时有一定的质量保证,保证教练员下达的比赛指令顺利的传送。

【Abstract】 Network remote command service systems came true in resent years, along with the fast developing of the fast computing network, digital compressed technology and the large capability storage technology, Web-based remote command services in a variety of emergencies, natural disasters, military applications, sports, and other aspects can be applied.But, that is these systems’ quality of service are restricted by the bottleneck of network bandwith and Internet flaws, Web-based remote command services are not used widely. It is a concerned task how to develop the remote command system for sport process which can fully utilize the computer network, intelligence and information technology.Sports competitions remote command system make the remote analysis of the data with the images, graphics, charts, in the form presented to the coaches to help coach to analysis the status of competition, athletes get the best score. Thus a well-designed sports remote command system for improving the Competition athletes, coaches assisted command plays an important role in competition. Through analysis and study critical technologies of the remote digital command system, we attempt to develop a computer sports games remote command system. System consists of two major components: Competition Field scene terminal, remote command and decision-making scene terminal. Features include: real-time images at the scene monitoring the court and real-time data transmission, on-site emergency command, competitions data analysis capabilities and so on.In the aspect of Real-time video transmission in the sports area the article base on the foundation of analyzing and comparing some standards of video coding at present,it realizes the function of compress the video data with the high ratio using video compression modules of H.263,gathers and deals with the monitoring video on time using the VFW and plays back of video streams using DirectShow.By transmitting the digital video through TCP, UDP, RTP, the system adopts W insock controls to transmit video and audio digital and using FTP Protocols to transmit file and date. The methods on emphases and dif faculties of the video data transmission on the network are presented such as the continuity of transmited data; network flux, Network delay time control, audio coding schemes and adjustments, multi-threading technology, etc. are introduced and given solutions and coding. Due to requirements of bandwidth, delay, and package loss, transmission of real-time video and audio of sport match over Internet still face many hallenges. The system based on the RTP/RTCP protocols,analyses the quality of transmission between the sender and the receiver and dynamically adjust the protocols of compression according to the fluctuation of the bandwidth. Consequently the quality of video and audio sequence is guaranteed when they are transmitted over Internet.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】81