

Research on Automated Software Testing Based on XML

【作者】 朱睿

【导师】 吴洁明;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自动化测试能够提高测试过程的系统性和计划性,提高测试效率,减少测试成本,自动化测试中最重要的环节是自动生成测试用例。本文将XML技术应用于软件自动化测试,设计了一种基于XML描述的测试用例生成方法,该方法根据用户的程序结构,将从待测程序中提取的逻辑信息存放在XML文档中,并根据生成的XML文档生成测试用例,将XML文档作为执行测试的一个中间信息表示环节。自动化测试中将XML文档作为承上启下的中间信息表示环节的好处是:使用XML可以动态的加载和初始化构件,并且易于扩展;XML文档的格式非常规范,那么就可以开发出各种转换程序,灵活地将测试脚本转换成各种我们所需要的文档;生成的XML文档很容易利用第三方的工具来察看、编辑;XML的与语言及平台无关的特性,使测试用例与语言及平台无关,从而支持测试用例在不同语言环境及平台下的复用,使得课题所开发的自动化测试工具易于扩展成支持多语言和多平台,提高了软件的可扩展性。本文的主要工作有:提出一个基于XML的自动化测试系统运行框架:根据用户的程序结构,从待测程序中提取出逻辑信息,并将逻辑信息存放在XML文档中,并根据生成的XML文档生成测试用例;提出根据待测程序的逻辑分支生成XML文档的算法并实现;提出根据生成的XML文档,按照白盒测试的判定条件覆盖、路径覆盖的覆盖方法,生成测试用例的算法并实现;并设计和实现了一个应用该框架的小型自动化白盒测试工具,该工具可以实现测试信息的自动收集、测试用例的自动生成、测试用例的自动执行和生成测试报告等功能。

【Abstract】 Automated test makes the test process more systematic and calculated, raise the efficiency of the test process, and reduces the cost of the test process. The most important aspects of the automated test is the automatically generated of test case. This thesis applies the technique of XML to software test, designs an automatically test case generation method based on XML, The method stores the logic of program to be tested into XML documents, and generates the test cases based on the XML documents, makes the XML documents as a link between the information of the program to be test and the test cases. The benefits of making XML documents as a connecting link between the program to be test and the test cases in automated test process is: It is easy to load , expand and initialize components based on XML; XML documents is very canonical, so it is easy to develop the conversion processes to convert the test scripts into a variety of documents needed; The XML characteristics of the independent of the language and the platform makes the test cases to be independent of the language and the platform, makes the expansion of the testing tool of this thesis to multi-language and multi-platform easily, improves the expansibility of the testing tool of this thesis.This paper mainly covers three approaches as following:Proposed a XML-based automated testing system operational framework: which uses the XML documents stores the logic of the software to be tested, and generate test cases automatically basing on the XML documents, make the XML documents as an inter medium of the software test, improved the flexibility and scalability of the automated testing system .Proposed an algorithm of generate XML documents according to the logic branches of the software to be tested and consummates the algorithm. Proposed an algorithm of generate test cases according to the six methods of the white color box test: statements coverage, determine coverage, condition coverage, determine condition coverage, conditions combination coverage, path coverage bases on the XML documents.Designed and implemented the automated testing tool system, which tests a complex software product thoroughly with minimum human interaction. It can collect the information of the software product under test automatically, generate test cases automatically, execute the test cases automatically and generate test result report automatically.

【关键词】 XML软件测试测试自动化
【Key words】 XMLSoftware TestSoftware Test Automation
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】312