

【作者】 刘艳萍

【导师】 范迪安;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 1949年新中国建国初期,百废待兴,由于国际政治、外交关系的制约和意识形态的影响,中国在政治、经济、文化等各个领域实行了向苏联“一边倒”的政策。同样,中国雕塑界也通过多种渠道向苏联学习,其中当时最富有现实意义和历史影响的当属苏联专家举办的雕塑训练班和向苏联派遣雕塑留学生。本文以学习苏联雕塑教育模式最集中的这两个方式为研究对象,系统分析研究苏联雕塑教育模式的内涵及这种雕塑教育模式对新中国雕塑教学产生的影响。鉴于历史资料的缺乏和以往关于这个主题研究的不足,主要采用了口述美术史和社会学的调查方法,并通过查找档案资料,厘清了苏派雕塑家群体形成的过程,并通过苏联雕塑教学的目标,教学思想,教学体制,课程设置,基础教学方法特色,创作教学方法特色等各个方面,复原了当时苏派雕塑家学习苏联雕塑教育模式的内涵,揭示出了苏联雕塑教育模式的独特性。本文的结论是苏联雕塑教育模式对新中国的雕塑教育教学产生了深远的影响,从基础教学到创作教学,苏联雕塑教育模式都在二十世纪中、后期逐渐取代了二十世纪前半叶的法国雕塑教育模式,占据了主导的地位。苏联雕塑教育模式促成了中国雕塑教育体制的完善;课程设置的增补和教学步骤的科学化;基础教学和创作教学训练方法的改变等,使中国的雕塑教育逐渐走向了正规化。本文也从中国美术教育整体进一步分析,中国雕塑的教育教学并没有“一边倒”的全面倒向苏联,从五十年代至文革前,雕塑的民族化探索一直相伴左右,改革开放后雕塑更加呈现多元化发展,由此也更加反证苏联雕塑教育模式对中国影响的历史意义。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of New China founded in 1949, everything needs to be reconstructed from the ruins. Due to the constraints from the political and diplomatic international relationships and the ideological influences, the New China Government adopted the diplomatic policy by leaning to the Soviet Union(USSR) in almost all the aspects, e.g. political, economic, and cultural areas etc. As a consequence, the Chinese sculptural field also learned from the USSR in the various ways. The most realistic and influencing channels are the sculptural workshop hold by USSR experts and sending sculptural students to USSR. In this paper, by studying in depth the above two channels, the author systematically analysis the essentials of the education model of sculpture in the USSR and its influences upon the New China’s sculpture education.Due to the shortage of historical materials and the lacking of researches on this subject, this paper mainly adopts the ways of dictating history, sociological investigation as well as the filed information. As a result, this paper illuminates the process of the formation the USSR community and identifies the essentials and characteristics of the USSR sculpture educational model by studying the teaching objectives, systems and courses of the USSR sculpture education. The conclusion is: the USSR sculpture education model ever played far-reaching influences on the New China’s sculptural education and teaching, and dominated the French’s gradually in the 2nd half of 20th century. The USSR sculpture education model accelerated the formation of the Chinese sculptural education system, the amendments of courses and the rationalization of teaching steps, the improvements of training methods of basic and creative teaching, and thus helped the normalization of the Chinese sculpture education.In this paper, the author also found that the education and teaching of Chinese sculpture did not follow the USSR completely by analyzing the Chinese art education as a whole. The localized exploration in sculpture never stops since 1950s and even shows a diverse evolution after the Chinese Economic Reform.

  • 【分类号】J309.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】433