

【作者】 陈文令

【导师】 隋建国;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 有关“艺术江湖”的提法近两年比比皆是,顾维洁就曾专门撰文《什么是艺术的江湖》对此进行论述。在我看来,“艺术江湖”通常用于指官方以及学院等体制、系统之外的自发形成并经营运作的艺术创作和艺术生态体系。从作为个体存在的艺术家、收藏家、爱好者,到集体亮相的画廊、美术馆、博览会、双年展……,统统都是构成“江湖”的一系列存在。而我的艺术创作和发展正处在其中,我的艺术成长、探索经历和价值体现可以作为透视艺术江湖的典型个例。文章将从个人作品出发和成长经历入手,对我的“艺术江湖”的产生背景、内容特点、方式方法进行分析和说明。并从中引申出在消费时代里审美取向的重要指标——雅俗共赏,这即是建构作品中“气场”的构成和效应。

【Abstract】 There are a lot of sayings about "Art Jianghu" during these years, and Gu Weijie had written one paper named What is the Art Jianghu? In my opinion, "Art Jianghu" refers to art creation and art environment that start voluntarily and work out of the official and academic system. From individual artist, collector and enthusiast to holistic gallery, museum, art fair and biennial...all of these are parts of "Jianghu". My art creation and development are just in this process, therefore, my art rode, study experience and value embodiment can be representative examples to analyze Art Jianghu. This paper starts from my own work and life experience, and analyze the background, characters of content and ways of my "Art Jianghu". Then from these points, I conclude the important factor of taste in this consumption age—suit both refined and popular tastes, and structurize forms and effects of "Qi Chang" in the work.

  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【下载频次】132