

【作者】 黄立静

【导师】 温欣荣;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 研究性阅读是一种比较高级的阅读方式,它的目的是通过收集资料、整理观点、分析研究来创新,来提出新观点,建立新思想。在中学阶段,研究性阅读是以培养创新精神、实践能力和终身学习能力为目的的新的必修课程——“研究性学习”的重要组成部分,也是在语文教学中运用新一轮基础教育课程改革所倡导的“探究学习方式”的一种有效手段。但是,什么是研究性阅读?研究性阅读有哪些特点?它与一般的研究性学习、传统的阅读教学有什么联系和区别?怎样有效地指导学生开展研究性阅读?许多语文教师对这些问题的认识不一致,在教学实践中也往往不知如何操作,或者说操作了但效果不佳,甚至效果还不如原来,这就让人们对研究性阅读产生怀疑。本文试图在这种新一轮课程改革大力倡导建构性学习的背景下,着眼目前的阅读教学现状,陈述自己对语文研究性阅读教学的一些理论思考和实践反思,期望对于现阶段的研究性阅读教学有所裨益。论文由六章构成。绪论简明阐述该选题的背景和研究的现实意义。第一、二章在对相关材料分析的基础上对研究性阅读和研究性阅读教学做出了概念界定:研究性阅读是指在课堂或课外阅读过程中,学生通过自主探究和合作学习等方式研读文章,获取信息,掌握阅读策略,在阅读中联系社会生活,进而内化为解决实际问题的能力的阅读活动。以研究性阅读为主要方法,学习阅读策略为初级目标,使学生成为一个自觉的读者,并在阅读中提高学习和生活的能力为终极目标的阅读教学活动就是研究性阅读教学。本章还分析了研究性阅读的主要理论依据。三、四章对语文研究性阅读教学的特点、目标以及语文研究性阅读教学对教师的要求进行了论述。第五章则着重从语文研究性阅读教学的实践方案进行了具体细致的理论思考与实践探索。第六章针对研究性阅读教学实践中存在的不足进行反思。

【Abstract】 Research reading is a relatively high-level reading, Its purpose is to create and put forward a new idea through collecting information,concluding others’opinions,analyzing and researching. During middle school period , research reading is a new compulsory course with its purpose of cultivating creative spirit,practical capacity and lifelong learning. It is also an important component of research study and also an effective means of "Inquiry Learning Style" which was advocated by a new basic education curriculum reform in Chinese teaching.However,what is research reading? what its characteristics? What are the relations and differences among it ,common research study, and the traditional reading teaching?How to supervise the students to develop research reading? Many Chinese teachers hold different opinions towards these questions and they often do not know how to operate or have done but without good effect, which lead people to suspect research reading. Nowadays under the new curriculum reform which advocates construtive study, the author tries to present some theoretical thinking and practical exploration on Chinese research reading basing on the current situation of reading teaching. The author expects this paper will do some contributions to the present research reading.This paper consists of six chapers. The introduction chapter briefly expounds subject’s background and reaerch’s significance.Thetwo chapters define the concept of research reading and research reading teaching on the basis of analyzing relative materials. Research reading is a kind of reading activity which enables students to solve practical problems through exploring independently and learning cooperatively. With research reading as the main method, mastery of reading strategies as the elementary goal, research reading teaching aims to enable students to be self-conscious readers and to improve their capacity of learning and living. In addition, this chapter also analyzed the main theoretical basis of research reading. The third and fourth chapters explore the characteristics and objectives of research reading teaching and discusse the requirements towards teachers. Chapter Fifth mainly focuses on careful theoretical thinking and practical exploration on the practical program of research reading teaching. Chapter Sixth points out the present rearch reading teaching’s deficiencies and what we should review.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】350