

The Studies on the Mechanism of Insect Control of Arthropod Community in Jujube-crop Ecosystem

【作者】 高飞

【导师】 高宝嘉;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林保护, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在河北省沧县选取了枣粮间作系统、农田系统、除草枣园系统和未除草枣园系统四种典型生态系统并在其中分别选取典型样地,自2007年5月至2007年9月底每半个月一次进行了9轮调查。实验调查了四种系统的节肢动物群落的组成、多样性和时序变化,以及枣粮间作系统节肢动物群落物种流的变化。具体结果如下:1.调查共发现节肢动物个体34782个,分属3纲、15目、102科,其中优势类群主要是多足纲、蛛形纲狼蛛科、半翅目异翅亚目的盲蝽科,同翅目的飞虱科、叶蝉科、蚜科、蚧科,鳞翅目的尺蛾科、夜蛾科、小卷蛾科,膜翅目的小茧蜂科、小蜂总科,脉翅目草蛉科、鞘翅目瓢虫科。调查所得总个体中包括枣粮间作系统14936头,分属3纲、14目、96科,未除草枣园中个体数5681个,分属3纲15目92科,除草枣园个体4162个,分属3纲10目78科,农田系统个体10003个,分属3纲12目86科。2.系统聚类显示枣园和农田亚系统的节肢动物群落分别可聚为5、6类分别为枣园亚系统第1、2、3、4、9次聚为一类,第5、6、7、8次各为一类,农田亚系统第2、3、4、5次聚为一类,1、6、9、7、8次各聚为一类,可以看出两个亚系统的聚类分析结果非常相似;有序样本的最优分割则显示两个亚系统的物种流均可分为四段,分别为枣园亚系统第1-4次、第5-6次、第7次、第8-9次,农田亚系统第1次、第2-3次、第4-6次、第7-9次,分割结果也非常相似。聚类分析和最优分割的结果来分析两个亚系统的节肢动物群落物种流的变化发现两个亚系统的节肢动物群落物种流存在着非常密切的相互作用。3.两个亚系统的天敌类群、中性节肢动物类群、植食性节肢动物类群分别进行分析发现两个亚系统的各类群节肢动物均可划分为三种不同类型,第一种为栖居于两种生境且物种流受生境变化影响较小类群;第二种为可依次栖居于两个不同生境,生境的变化对其物种流产生较大影响;第三种为栖居于某一单一生境,但可将另一系统作为某一虫态的临时栖境。对后两种类群而言存在着流出物种流的“源”系统、流入物种流的“汇”系统和物种类群在汇系统中形成的物种库。4.对枣粮间作系统和三种对照系统,即除草枣园系统、未除草枣园系统和农田系统的节肢动物群落进行对比分析发现枣粮间作系统具有更为丰富的中性节肢动物类群,比起除草枣园系统和农田系统有更优势的天敌类群和更劣势的植食性类群,且在遭受生境的巨大变化后新生境重新形成时枣粮间作系统的各亚系统能更迅速的形成节肢动物群落和各种功能类群,说明枣粮间作系统比三种对照系统的节肢动物群落有着更合理的结构、更强的调控能力和更强的控害能力。

【Abstract】 Jujube-grain ecosystem, grain field ecosystem, weeding Jujube ecosystem and no weeding Jujube system were selected in Hebei Province and which the typical kind were investigated for nine times between May to September in 2007 each Half a month. This study investigated the composition, diversity and timing changes of the arthropod community for four ecosystem. The arthropod community flow changes of the species in Jujube-grain ecosystem were also studied. Concrete results are as follows:1. There are a total of 34,782 individuals belonging to 15 orders, 102 families were found in this study. And the dominant groups among them were Myriapoda、Lycosidae、Miridae、Delphacidae、Cicadellidae、Aphidoidea、Margarodidae、Geometridae、Noctuidae、Olethreutidae、Braconidae、Chrysopidae、Coccinellidae. The total number included 14,936 individuals belonging to 14 orders, 96 families in Jujube-grain ecosystem, 5681 individuals of the total in no weeding Jujube system belonging to 15 orders, 92 families, the 4162 individuals that could be divided to 10 orders, 78 families in weeding Jujube system, 10003 individuals in grain field ecosystem belonging to 12 orders, 86 families.2. The results showed that the arthropod community of Jujube sub-ecosystems and Grain field sub-ecosystems were clustered for 5 and 6 categories. In Jujube sub-ecosystem, the 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 branches were for a group, and 5, 6, 7 branches was for three independence groups. And the 2, 3, 4, 5 branches in Grain field sub-ecosystems were clustered in a group, the remained branches were for five independence group. So the results of two ecosystems were very similar. The result of optimization cut apart to time change show that the tow sub-system can be divided into four paragraphs as the same, the paragraphs of jujube yard sub-systems were 1-4, 5-6, and 7th , 8-9 times investigate, and for farmland sub-systems were the 1st, the 2-3, 4-6, 7-9 times investigate. It is show that the results are very similar too. The result of optimization cut apart to time change and clustering analysis was used to analyze the change of species current of the two sub-species and found that there is a very close interaction of arthropod community in two sub-systems.3. The natural enemies group, neutral arthropod group and phytophagy arthropod group of the two sub-systems were respectively analyzed and have found that all types of arthropods of the two sub-systems can be divided into three different types of groups. The first group is which living in two habitats and the species current is few impacted by the changes of habitats; The second group is which can living in two habitats in turn ,but can transfer to another in the time the habitats was deeply disturbed ;The third one can only living in one habitats and can make the another habitats as a temporary habitats. The latter two groups there are "source" system where the species current flow out of it and the "sink" system where the species flow into it.4.Through the comparative analysis of the arthropod community between intercropping system and the three control systems~the weeding jujube yard system, not weeding jujube yard system and the system of farmland, it is showed that the intercropping system have a more richer neutral arthropod groups. Compared to Weeding jujube yard system and system of farmland the intercropping system have more advantages in natural enemies groups and more disadvantaged phytophagy groups. And the intercropping system can rebuild the arthropod community more faster than the other systems after the system was seriously disturbed, so it is than compared to other three systems the intercropping system have more proper structure and more stronger regulation ability and also more stronger ability to control pest.

  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】1
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