

Regulation Research on Antitrust Law to Restrict the Public Utilities’ Monopoly

【作者】 臧肖睿

【导师】 马兆瑞;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公用企业为社会公众提供日常生活的必需品,其经营行为与百姓生活息息相关,在我国的经济生活中处于十分重要的地位,但由于受原有的计划经济体制等因素的影响,公用企业领域垄断现象严重,对我国市场经济体制和消费者权益造成很大危害,公用企业垄断成为当前社会反应强烈的热点问题之一。文章的写作目的就在于通过分析《反垄断法》对公用企业垄断行为特别是滥用市场支配地位行为的规制,借鉴国外对该问题的经验和做法,提出完善《反垄断法》对该行为的规制建议。文章主要采用分析和比较的研究方法,从公用企业的概念入手,分析了公用企业及其垄断的特征,并且通过分析当前学术界对公用企业垄断性质主张的“自然垄断说”、“行政垄断说”、“制度安排说”三种学说,对公用企业垄断的性质作出了新的界定。公用企业的垄断是由多种因素造成的,所以对公用企业垄断的规制不能仅仅通过某一种方式,而应当采取各种措施,依靠法律的、行政的多种手段,多管齐下,才能取得预期的效果。根据对公用企业垄断规制方式的发展趋势和我国的实际情况,提出在规制过程中应以《反垄断法》规制为主,同时辅以其他相关法规规制及政府管制的观点,以期全方位的解决公用企业的垄断问题。文章通过对反垄断法律规制公用企业垄断的必要性和可行性进行分析,为我国《反垄断法》规制公用企业垄断问题提供了理论依据和现实依据。文章的重点和创新点在于通过对公用企业滥用市场支配地位这一垄断行为的分析,比较俄罗斯和德国对该问题的立法实践,从滥用网络优势行为和公共商品价格确定两方面提出完善我国《反垄断法》的建议。

【Abstract】 Public utilities provide the public with daily necessities, and its operational behavior is closely related to people’s life, it plays a very important role in China’s economic life. However, due to the original planned economic system and other factors, the monopolies of public utilities are serious, which are causing great damages to the market economic system and consumers’rights. Public utilities monopolies produce strong response in society and become one of the hot spots. The paper aims to draw references from experience and practice of other countries and propose perfection of Antitrust Law for this behavior by analyzing Antitrust Law regulation for the monopolies of public utilities especially the way of abuse of market dominant position. The paper mainly adopts analysis and contrast study methods, starting with the concept of public utilities, it analyzes public utilities and their monopoly features, and makes a new definition by analyzing monopoly features of public utilities and three theories“nature monopoly theory”,“administration monopoly theory”,“system arrangement theory”advocated by public utilities. The monopolies of public utilities are caused by a variety of factors, therefore, the monopolies of the public utilities can not be only resolved by a certain kind of solution, but should be adopted various measures, relying on legal, and administrative means through multi-pronged approaches to achieve the expected results. According to the development trend of regulation means of public utilities monopolies and China’s real conditions, the monopoly should be mainly regulated with Antitrust Law and supplemented by other relevant laws and administrative measures, in order to solve the problems completely. The paper through analysis of necessity and feasibility of public utilities monopoly of Antitrust Law regulation provides theoretical and realistic basis for our country’s public utilities monopoly issues regulated by Antitrust Law. Through analyzing monopoly behavior of public utilities abusing market dominant position, this paper’s focal poit and innovative point are to put forward proposals for perfecting our Antitrust Law from two facets of network advantage abuse and public commodities pricing by comparing Russian and Germany legislations for this issue.

  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【下载频次】324