

Research on Waterway Regulation of Rocky and Sand Shoal

【作者】 黄鹏

【导师】 张绪进; 杜宗伟;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前从事礁石、沙质浅滩的航道整治技术的研究较少,本课题通过对西江界首滩航道整治工程进行实体模型试验和试验数据分析,得出一些结论,以便对以后这类特殊条件下河道的整治,提供一定的经验。西江是全国内河航道总体布局规划“两横一纵两网”中的“一横”,是沟通滇、黔、桂与粤、港、澳的水上运输大动脉,广西内河运量的90%经过该河段。西江界首至肇庆171km河段目前航道维护标准为国家内河Ⅲ级航道,通航保证率98%,维护航道尺度为2.5m×80m×500m(航深×航宽×弯曲半径),该河段货源量充足,船流密度大,运输繁忙。其中都城至肇庆长约134km河段航道自然条件优良,水深充裕,宽度富足,弯曲半径大,但界首至都城约37km河段来水来沙条件复杂,河面宽阔,浅滩相连,礁石密布,自上而下依次有大源涌、歧茶及料糖浅段。该河段是西江航运发展的瓶颈,为适应流域经济发展需要,迫切要求对其进行整治,以改善通航条件提高航道等级。选择界首滩航道整治方案时,从泥沙、水文、河道演变及对前期一系列整治工程的总结入手,提出了筑坝、疏浚和炸礁相结合的手段,以便加大流速,提高水流挟沙能力。整治方案确定后,然后通过模型试验对初设方案进行方案比选和优化试验试验,来确定推荐方案,最后通过动床试验预测推荐方案实施后的整治效果,以便为界首滩接下来的整治工程提供指导依据。

【Abstract】 Currently engaged in the rocky and sand riverbed under the conditions of channel regulation on less technical, this subject through the Xijiang River Waterway restoration project Jieshou entity model test and test data analysis and draw some conclusions for the future under such special conditions the rectification of river, provide some experience.The Xijiang River Waterway is planed "two longitudinal cross a two networks," in the "horizontal" is the communication of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao waterborne transport arteries river in Guangxi after 90 per cent of capacity the river. Xijiang Jieshou to Zhaoqing 171 km river channel maintenance of the current standards for the state-ⅢRiver Waterway, shipping rate of 98% guarantee and safeguard fairways scale of 2.5 m×80m×500m (deep×wide×bend radius), the river catchment sufficient volume, vessel density, transport peak. Zhaoqing them to the capital about 134 km river channel fine natural conditions, abundant water depth, width affluent, bending radius, but Jieshou capital about 37 km to reach incoming water and sediment conditions complex, wide river, Shoal connected reef clouds, since Under the order, and there are Dayuanyong Qicha and Liaotang. The Xijiang River is the development of shipping bottleneck in order to meet the needs of economic development basin urgently requires them to improve the situation, so as to improve navigation conditions improve fairway grade.Jieshou choice Waterway Regulation programmes, from the sediment, hydrology, river bed evolution analysis and the evolution of river training works for a series of pre-start with a summary of proposed damming, dredging and blasting combination of means, in order to increase velocity and improve the flow embrace Sand capacity. Rectification plan was finalized, and then through the beginning of a physical model test on the programme selection and optimization pilot test to determine the recommended programme, the final test bed through the forecast after the implementation of the programme recommended regulation effect, in order to rectify next Jieshou Beach provide guidance to the Regulation project

  • 【分类号】U617
  • 【下载频次】186