

The Development of the Virtual Test System of Transmission Shift Mechanism

【作者】 尹华鑫

【导师】 丁良旭; 李伟;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车行业作为许多国家的支柱产业,它代表了一个国家的工业水平,也影响一个国家的国民经济,因此提高汽车产品的竞争力尤为重要。为了控制汽车产品质量,提高汽车的品质,势必对其总成及零部件提出更高更严格的要求。变速换档机构作为汽车变速器总成中的一个重要零部件,其工作状况的好坏及可靠性将直接影响到传动系统的性能和汽车在行驶过程中的操纵性能,关系到整车的质量。因此需要一套精度高、可靠性好的测试系统来评价换档机构的换档性能和可靠性。随着虚拟仪器技术的日益发展,采用低成本自动化技术,研制各类多功能智能测试设备呈迅猛发展之势,并逐渐批量进入工业测试领域。特别是在机械、冶金等行业,已大量融入各种类型的虚拟仪器,其卓越的性能、良好的数据在线处理能力和实时数据通讯能力以及友好的人机交互平台,得到各行业研究人员的普遍关注。本文通过对国内外换档试验台的分析和研究,结合虚拟仪器技术开发了汽车换档机构的虚拟测试系统。在测试过程中,利用气缸来驱动换档机械手,模拟人手对变速器换档手柄的换档操作;通过所开发的测试系统实现对换档位移、换档力、扭矩、转速等多项参数的实时检测。该测试系统主要的特点就是整个测试过程在工控机和软件的控制下自动完成,实现了测试过程的自动化和智能化;系统测控软件采用Visual Basic语言模块化结构开发,充分利用其面向对象编程的特点,实现了系统良好的人机对话功能。该系统主要功能包括:可采用手动和自动两种工作方式进行换档性能试验与可靠性试验;能够实时采集各项试验数据并以曲线或数据形式输出;具有对数据进行存档与打印功能;可以重新进行档位标定;具有自动报警和自动关闭试验系统的功能,以保证系统运行安全可靠。本文研究开发出的测试系统界面友好、易于操控、系统功能可扩展性好、测试精度和稳定性较好。通过实际测试试验,证明该系统完全满足测试的要求。

【Abstract】 As the pillar industry in many countries, the automotive industry not only represents the level of a country’s industrialization, but also affects the country’s national economy. Thus increasing the competitiveness of automotive products is particularly important. In order to control the quality of automotive products and improve its quality, it is bound to put higher and more stringent requirements to its assembly parts. Transmission shift mechanism, as an important assembly parts and components, its quality will directly affect the performance of the transmission system in a moving car and the handling performance, and the quality of cars. Therefore, to evaluate the transmission shift performance and reliability, it is important to develop a test system with high precision and good reliability.With the growing development of virtual instrument technology, it is popular using low-cost automation technology to research and develop various types of multi-functional intelligent systems in the industrial testing fields. Especially in the machinery, metallurgical and other industries, it has been integrated into a large number of various types of virtual instruments. Its excellent performance, good on-line data processing capabilities and real-time data communication capabilities, as well as friendly interactive platform, get more people’s attention.Based on the analysis and research of the shift test platform at home and abroad, this paper develops the virtual testing system of transmission shift mechanism. In the course of test, using the cylinder to control the shift manipulator movement to analog transmission’s real working condition. Sensors and detection implementing agencies can achieve the detection of shift displacement, shift force, torque and other parameters such as speed.The main features of the test system is that it can realize the shift handle moving automatically under the control of computer and software, which realize the whole intelligent test process. System monitoring software is developed by modular architecture language Visual Basic, which realizes the fully interactive interface. The functions include: two ways to achieve performance and reliability tests ,manual and automatic ; to output the real-time data acquisition and data in the form of curves; to realize the data archive and print functions; Re-calibration can be achieved quickly; with automatic alarm system function to ensure safe and reliable operation. In this paper, the test system developed has the following advantages: user-friendly and easy to control; better expansibility of the system functions; high accuracy and good stability. Through practical tests, it proves that the system can fully satisfy the test requirements.

  • 【分类号】U463.212
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】254