

Analysis and Countermeasure on Excess Budgetary Estimate of Highway Construction Project in Yunnan Province

【作者】 赖莦丹

【导师】 张维全;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “七五”期间云南省开始大规模建设高等级公路,目前基本形成“三纵”、“三横”、“九大通道”为主的云南高等级公路网络。虽然交通建设形势发展十分迅猛,但存在着工程造价偏高、超概算等严重问题。如何进行公路工程造价控制的研究,提出有效的控制和管理办法,是摆在我们面前迫切需要解决的一个课题。本论文正是紧紧围绕这一热点问题,展开分析研究。论文共分六章。第一章是绪论,阐述了论文研究的背景与现状,根据实际存在的问题,提出了论文研究的主要内容和框架。第二章,阐述了公路工程的造价管理理论。第三章结合云南省5条高等级公路的全线或某合同段造价情况,重点分析了其中一个工程项目的工程变更情况,包括各合同段、各分项工程的变更金额、份数及相应比例;分析总结了工程变更产生的六大原因。第四章收集分析了云南省90年代至今的工料机价格趋势、银行利息的调整、土地政策的变动等情况,结合实际工程项目分析了上述因素对工程造价的影响,详细分析了导致工程“超概算”的原因。第五章应用全面造价管理、风险理论以及价值工程理论,研究了工程投资决策阶段的造价管理,设计方案的比选和施工过程中的造价的实时控制方法,并建立了有关数学模型和逻辑框图。第六章进行了总结,并提出了展望。论文首次全面分析了云南省公路工程的造价现状,找出了造价控制的重点。比较系统地提出了投资决策、设计和施工阶段实时控制造价的理论体系,具有较高的可操作性,对工程实际有较强的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 During"75" period, Yunnan Province started to build the highways massively, and at present it forms "three vertical","three horizontal","nine big channels" consisting mainly of Yunnan highway network. Although the development of the transportation is very fast, but it a serious problem in cost management that the final accounts exceeding the budgetary estimate. So it is an urgent problem that we must do our best to study and solve, which is the theme of thisdissertation.The dissertation is structured as following: Chapter one is background and actuality, explaining the major content and frame the article according to the existent problem. Chapter two is expounding the theory of administration of highroad engineering cost.Combining with the engineering costs of 5 highroads in Yunnan province,chapter three mainly discuss the engineering modification of type, including the alteration amount and proportion of each contract section or each subentry engineering,and sum up 6 reasons of engineering modification.By collecting Yunnan province price for labour, materials and machines , bank interest and Land policy from the nineties to the present time, chapter four detailed analysis the factors that the final accounts eceeding the budgetary estimate. In chapter five, with the theory of total cost management and risk management and axiology, particularly study how to select strategy in the process of the investment and choose the plan of design and achieve the real-time control of cost in the stage of execution, and create the mathematic model and logic chart.Chapter six summarize the view and bring on the future prospect.The dissertation comprehensively analyse the actuality of highroad engineering cost of Yunnan province in first time and locate the emphatic stage of cost control,by the numbers form view of how to control of cost in the stage of investment, design and execution. These operable views can apply in actual work.

  • 【分类号】F542;F284
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】273