

On the Analysis and Proposal to the Actuality of Timesharing in China

【作者】 杨清平

【导师】 白忠;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 分时度假是旅游业和房地产业相互扩张的产物,世界上分时度假从20世纪60年代发展至今已经有40多年的历史,在过去的20多年里,全球的分时度假业获得了双位数的整体年均增长,是休闲旅游业中发展最快的部分。早在1993年,世界旅游组织和联合国就已共同发表“旅游业统计与推荐”一文,指出分时度假是世界旅游业发展中重要和不可分割的一部分。随着我国旅游热的进一步升温,度假旅游业已经形成了一定的市场规模,我国巨大的分时度假消费市场正日益凸现。研究表明:在中国建立100万名会员的分时度假系统将直接拉动内需市场50~70亿人民币,间接拉动200~300亿元内需,直接盘活300~500平方米的房产存量,并直接和间接增加2万人和10万人的就业机会。积极引进和探索在国际上已流行的分时度假模式,对于改变中国度假旅游滞后状况,使度假旅游产品优化升级,全方位的激活度假旅游运行机制,具有弥足珍贵的意义。分时度假和产权酒店成为旅游消费者的新亮点。20世纪90年代,我国引入分时度假概念,2000年9月,由首创集团、首旅集团和中旅集团联合发起组建的天伦度假发展有限公司成立,成为我国首家享有全国经营权的分时度假专业公司。此后,许多企业对这一旅游消费新模式产生兴趣,一批公司相继进入分时度假行业。但是,在国际上发展形势良好的分时度假在我国遭遇“水土不服”,从引入到现在,一些先期项目普遍只是在概念本身上红火了一阵子,市场由兴奋归于平淡,消费者由信赖期望而转为怀疑拒绝,其经营纷纷陷入困境。究其原因,主要是在引入国外分时度假模式时,机械照搬国外度假区建设理念和运作方式,没有充分考虑国际市场和国内市场对分时度假不同的消费需求相关发展环境,导致在本土化过程中出现了非常多的问题。针对目前我国分时度假发展状况,本文深入分析了影响我国分时度假发展的各种推动和阻碍因素,提出促进中国分时度假发展应采取的主要对策。全文共分为六个部分:第一部分提出研究的背景、研究意义,总结了国内外分时度假的相关研究进展,说明了文章的研究内容和研究方法。第二部分为分时度假概论,阐释分时度假的概念,介绍其产生背景、发展至今所经历的阶段,作出效益分析。指出了分时度假的发展趋势。第三部分介绍中国分时度假发展现状,概述中国分时度假发展所经历的两个阶段,总结中国分时度假企业的主要类别及其现状,通过对中美两国分时度假发展的比较分析得出美国分时度假发展对中国行业发展的启示。第四部分针对影响中国分时度假发展的推动因素和制约因素分析,一方面从消费观念、经济收入、闲暇时间、市场供给等方面进行分析,指出中国分时度假发展已具有一定的条件和需求,另一方面从时空矛盾、价格、销售环节、法制信用等方面分析指出中国分时度假发展还存在诸多限制条件。第五部分为中国分时度假发展对策研究,从市场培育、产品设计、法律制度、品牌经营、点数制方式、优先发展产权酒店等方面对中国分时度假发展提出对策性探讨。第六部分是结论部分,根据对中国分时度假现状及对策的分析,对本文的研究进行总结。

【Abstract】 Being a result of tourism expansion and real estate development, timeshare in China is at the initiating stage of industry germination and product introduction. Timeshare has more than 40 years until now since 1960s,the overall have gained pair of digits increases within past 20 years, it developed quickestly in the leisure tourism. As early as in 1993,the World Tourism Organization and the United Nation published the article: the tourism stastics and the recommendation, pointed out that timesharing was the important and inalienable part in the world tourism.Along with China’s tourism development, the vacation tourism has formed certain maket scale, timesharing in China has huge consumer demand. The research indicated: establish 1,000,000 members timesharing system will draw the domestic demand 50~7,000,000,000 Renminbi directly, will draw 200~30,000,000,000 Yuan domestic demands indirectly, will stimulate 300~500 square meter real estate storage quantities directly, and increase 20,000 person and 100,000 person of employment opportunities directly and indirectly. It is proved effective by practice of foreign countries, introducing and exploring positively the international timesharing pattern, it has precious significance in changing the lag condition in China ,promoting the product, activating the operational mechanism. Timesharing and property hotels becomes the new luminescent spot of travelling consumer. In the 1990s, the concept of timesharing was introduced in China, in September, 2000, Capital group, Beijing tourism group and CTS group of china jointly established Tianlun Vacation limited company, it becomes the first specialized company which enjoy the national right of timesharing management. Hereafter,many enterprises have interest in this new traveling pattern, a batch of companies got into timesharing vacation. But it goes on hard in China. From the introduction to the present ,the market excitedly lightly, the consumer transfer faith expectation to suspicion rejiection, its management falls into the difficult position. Machinery copying overseas idea and operation, neglecting the different consumer demand butween the internationa and domestid market, caused to have a quite a few problems in the localization process.This paper analyzes the existing problems,and suggests that the way to timesharing can be improved in China. This paper is composed of six parts.The first part put forwards the background and significance of the research, presents domestic and foreign research developments in field of timesharing, introduces contents of the article and research methods.The second part defines the concept of timesharing , introduce the background, the development experience until now, make the benefit analysis, point out the trend of timesharing.The third part is about the present situation of timesharing in China, outline the two stages of its development, summary the main category of timesharing companies, comparative the develppment of China and US.The fourth part analysis the advantageous and disadavantageous in promoting timesharing in China. Advantageous factor including expense idea, resident income, leisure time and etc. Disadavantageous factor including consumption price, sales way, legal environment and etc.The fifth part proposed that the way to timesharing can be improved in China, including market cultivation, product design, legal regime, brand management, point system.The sixth part is a conclusion, makes a summary according to the study on domestic timesharing.

【关键词】 分时度假中国发展现状对策研究
【Key words】 timesharingChinadevelopment statuscountermeasures
  • 【分类号】F592;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1366
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