

The Characteristics of Undergraduates’ Self-regulation and It’s Relationship with the Internet Addiction Tendency

【作者】 王雨露

【导师】 范春林;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自我调节是人类最重要的活动方式之一,也是目前心理学研究的热点问题。由于研究者视角不同,该领域的研究还存在许多的争议:自我调节结构的建构存在一定分歧,有关自我调节特点的研究结论并不一致。本研究在分析已有研究的基础之上,初步建构了自我调节的理论模型,并先后随机抽取成都市的361名和1061名大学生作为研究样本,对建构的自我调节模型进行分析与验证,在此基础上采用自编的《大学生自我调节问卷》和白羽等编制的《网络成瘾倾向问卷》作为研究工具,对成都市1061名大学生进行问卷调查,探讨大学生自我调节的特点及其与网络成瘾倾向的关系。研究结果表明:(1)自我调节包含5个维度,即:目标设定、制定计划、执行计划、自我监察和自我反应,符合初始的理论构想;所设计的自我调节问卷具有较高的信度和效度。(2)大学生自我调节有以下特点:大学生自我调节水平较高;性别上,女生在自我调节及其目标设定、执行计划维度上显著高于男生;年级上,大一学生在自我调节以及目标设定、制定计划、自我监察、自我反应四个维度上显著高于其他年级,呈现出下降趋势;专业上,理科学生只在制定计划和自我反应维度上显著高于文科学生。(3)自我调节与网络成瘾倾向呈显著负相关,自我调节能够显著预测网络成瘾倾向。回归分析结果显示:预测力最大的是自我调节的第三个维度,执行计划(10.8%),其次依次为制定计划(6.8%)、自我监察(2.8%)、设定目标(1.1%)、自我反应(0.8%),回归方程可以写成:网络成瘾倾向=-.162×执行计划+-.154×制定计划+-.102×自我监察+-.073×设定目标+-.062×自我反应。在对研究结果进行分析和讨论后,研究得出以下结论:(1)自我调节结构模型包含:目标设定、制定计划、执行计划、自我监察和自我反应五个维度。(2)大学生自我调节在年级、性别以及学科类别上均存在显著差异。(3)自我调节可以显著预测大学生的网络成瘾倾向。

【Abstract】 Self-regulation is one of the most important human activity, it is also a hot issue of psychological researches currently. As researchers had different perspectives, there were still a lot of controversy in this field: there were some differences among the construction of the structure of self-regulation; the conclusions of its’characteristics were not consistent. In this study, researcher analysed the previous researches, constructed a initial theoretical model of self-regulation, and selected 361 and 1061 undergraduates randomly as a sample in Chengdu to analysis and validate the construction of self-regulation model. On this basis, used the undergraduates’self-regulation questionnaire prepared by researcher and internet addiction tendency questionnaire prepared by BaiYu as research tools, to conduct a questionnaire survey on 1061 undergraduates in Chengdu, discussed the relationship between self-regulation and internet addiction tendency. The results showed that:(1)Self-regulation contains five dimensions: goal setting, planning, implement- ation plan, self-monitoring and self-reaction, which is in line with the hypothesis; self-regulation questionnaire is reliability and validity.(2)Undergraduates’self-regulation has the following features:the level of under- graduates’self- regulation is relatively high; on gender, girls are notable higher than boys on general self-regulation,goal setting and implementation plan; in grade,the freshman are notable higher than other grades on general self- regulation and goal setting, planning, self-monitoring and self-reaction,show a downward trend; on profession,science students are higher than arts students on planning and self-reaction.(3) The study also found that the self-regulation has negative correlation with internet addiction tendency. Regression analysis showed that the largest prediction is the third dimension, implementation plan(10.8%), secondly, followed by planning (6.8%),self-monitoring(2.8%), goal setting(1.1%), self-reaction(0.8%), The regression equation can be written: Internet Addiction Tendency =-.162×implementation plan + -.154×planning + -.102×self-monitoring + -.073×goal setting+-.062×self-reaction。Researcher concluded based on the analysis of the study results and discussi- on:(1) Self-regulation contains five dimensions: goal setting, planning, implement- ation plan, self-monitoring and self-reaction.(2) Self-regulation has significant differences in gender ,grade and profession.(3)Self-regulation can significantly predict understudents’internet addiction tendency.
