

A Study of Two Chinese Versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

【作者】 石成蓉

【导师】 龚雪萍;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在翻译研究的发展过程中,传统翻译研究将翻译仅看作两种语言之间的文字转换,其研究的侧重点往往在于原作与译作之间的文本对比,而遵循的判断标准多是“忠实”和“对等”。传统的翻译理论把原文看作译文的“绝对标准”,认为译者应该摆脱主观干扰,客观再现原文,使译文忠实于原文。这种传统译论的积极作用在于从理论上强调了翻译的客观性,然而,毕竟翻译不是在真空中进行的,翻译的过程受到各种因素的影响,所以不能仅用“对等”来作为翻译评判的标准。在当前的翻译研究中,翻译研究不再局限于传统的对等理论,而是将其他诸多文本外因素也纳入研究范围。由德国功能派翻译理论发展而来的目的论指出,翻译是有明确目的的跨文化交际活动,翻译的目的决定翻译策略,翻译的过程受到各种因素的综合制约。它突破了对等理论的限制,强调在翻译中协调原文意图、译者和译文读者之间的关系,为翻译提供了一种动态多元的视角。本文以目的论为基础,对《汤姆叔叔的小屋》不同历史时期的两种中译本进行比较研究,指出在翻译过程中译者基于不同的翻译目的采取了不同的翻译策略,使译文呈现不同的翻译风格,取得不同的翻译效果。从总体而言,两个译本都实现了译文的目的,满足了读者不同的期待,因此都能够被当时代的读者所接受。通过对比,文章旨在提出:对于一篇翻译作品的评价如果只基于源文本和目的文本之间单纯的语言文字上的对比,实际上是不全面的,翻译批评和评价还应该关注译者、译语读者和翻译的历史文化背景等因素对译本形成的影响,从而给出更为全面、合理的评价。

【Abstract】 In the history of translation studies, traditional translation studies regard translation merely as a linguistic transmission between languages and give the top priority to“faithfulness”and“equivalence”. They hold that the translator should cast off the interference of subjectivity and reproduce the source text objectively and faithfully. Traditional translation studies have focused on the comparison between the source text and the target text, taking“faithfulness”as the highest criterion. The positive aspect of traditional theories lies in that they attach importance to the objectivity of translation. However, as translation does not take place in a vacuum, translators are inevitably influenced by various factors during the course of translation. So it’s unwise to narrowly use“equivalence”to assess the quality of translation.The present study of translation is no longer constrained by traditional equivalence-oriented translation theories. It takes more extra-textual factors into consideration. Skopos theory (Skopostheorie), developed from German Functionalist Approaches, holds that translation is a purposeful intercultural action; the reproduction of any translation is conditioned by many factors, and the skopos of the overall translation action determines the translation strategies. As a break with the equivalence-oriented linguistic translation theory, it places emphasis on the interaction of the intention of the original author and the translator and the target-text readers as well; it offers a dynamic and multi-dimensional perspective on translation studies.Based on the Skopos theory, the thesis attempts to make a comparative study of the two Chinese versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in different phases of Chinese history and indicates that the translators adopt different translation strategies according to their different purposes and the two versions have different styles which lead to different effects. In general, the two versions are acceptable as they achieve the translation purpose and meet the expectation of readers at different times. Through the comparison, the author of the thesis concludes that the evaluation of translation based merely upon linguistic comparison between the original text and the target text is incomprehensive. Rather, influence of various factors such as translator, the target readers and the situation in the shaping of the translation should be given full consideration in the course of translation evaluation and judgment so as to make a more comprehensive and rational evaluation.
