

Researching on GeSang Zeren Incident

【作者】 余林

【导师】 王川;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 格桑泽仁事件,是由民国时期西康藏族精英格桑泽仁于1932年2月在西康地区巴安县发起的反对川康地方实力派刘文辉,实现其“康人治康”、“康人自治”的地方自治主义理念的地方政治事件,同时也是南京国民政府最高领导者蒋介石暗地授意支持地方民族精英通过发动政变削弱地方势力达到其控制西南的政治活动。在起事过程中,格桑泽仁在巴安县成立了“西康省防军司令部”,任职司令,创建了西康藏区第一个国民党县级党部——“巴安县党部”。他不仅与刘文辉部发生军事冲突,同时也与东侵的藏军发生武装冲突。这一事件在当时对刘文辉部在西康地区的统治秩序造成一定程度的正面冲击,但对保卫西康地区又起到一定的作用,对此后发生的“诺那事件”、“甘孜事件”也产生了深远的影响,同时还是一次实现地方自治主义理念的大胆尝试。在刘文辉的武力进攻下,事件以实力相对薄弱的格桑泽仁的失败而告终。格桑泽仁事件之所以发生,主要是由于康巴精英分子欲图获得中央政府的支持,取得施展自身政治才能的契机和场合,从而实现自身族群的政治、文化、民族身份认同以及个人价值,同时也是众多特殊历史条件下促成的。本文旨在以历史学方法为本位,辅以政治学、民族学等相关学科的方法,分五部分对格桑泽仁事件进行系统研究,通过探讨其发生的历史背景、主要原因、事件过程和失败原因及影响,并联系诺那事件、甘孜事件等,以求还原20世纪30年代西康地区的基本政治面貌,分析中央与地方之间的二元关系和地方自治主义影响下的少数民族精英分子的民族观念。

【Abstract】 Summary: GeSang Zeren incident was launched by Xikang Tibetan elite—GeSang Zeren ,who objected to Liu Wenhui who actually have strength and hold power in area of Sichuan and Xikang during the February of 1932. GeSang Zeren wanted to realize his idea of“Local Autonomy”.He was also obtain supports from Chiang Kai-shek of the supreme leader of central government who got to carry out his plan and support the elites of local nationalities by launch the incident secretly at the same time, and weakened the Liu Wenhui’s force, reach the political activity of controlling the southwest. In the incident, GeSang Zeren has been established“The province of Xikang Defends Army’s Headquarter”, worked as a commandant, and has established the first party headquaters of the Kuomintang county of Tibetan area of Xikang—“Party Headquaters of Ba an”.He was not only the military conflict with Liu Wenhui department, but also the armed conflict with army of Tibet. To a certain extent, the incident striked to the governance order in Xikang area of Liu Wenhui , to safeguard Xikang area, and it was influence on the“Nuona incident”,“Ganzi incident”. Finally, the incident was a bold attempt which realized the idea of local autonomy at the same time. Under the circumstances that Liu Wenhui’s military force was attacked, the incident failed and ended up with relatively weak capability of GeSang Zeren.GeSang Zeren incident was based on the kind of Xiang elite to want to obtain support of central government, who found opportunities and occasions of putting his own political ability to good use, and realized the political, cultural, national identity of his own ethnicity and personal value are approved. However, the incident was also under numerous of special historical background conditions. In order to reduce the basic political background of Xikang area of 1930s, and analyze the relations between central government and local government , and the influence of local autonomy doctrine on the national idea of the molecule of elite. This text aims at regarding history as standard, complement it by method in relevant disciplines such as political science, ethnology, and dividing five parts will carry on systematic research to the incident, which historical background, main reason, incident course, reason for failure to take place and respect of influencing etc. In addition,“Nuona incident”,“Ganzi incident”are probed into to contact the promise.
