

The Case Study of Standardized Labor Contract in C Real Estate Co.Ltd

【作者】 吕毅然

【导师】 周英男;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新《劳动合同法》颁布后,企业的人力资源管理制度面临转型。《劳动合同法》对企业的劳动合同规范化提出了更高的要求,工作流程要更细致和严密,否则就会加大企业的违法成本。《劳动合同法》是一把双刃剑,对劳动者和企业既有保护也有制约,双方都应在法律范围内,最大限度的防范风险。顺利应对《劳动合同法》的新规定,将决定着企业人力资源乃至整个企业的前途和命运。因此,如何解决好《劳动合同法》公布之初的劳资合同冲突问题和不和谐音,重新规范企业的劳动合同,化解企业与员工之间关于劳动合同的冲突和矛盾问题,促进整个企业在劳动合同方面规范、合理、合法,将是房地产企业乃至所有用工单位所必须面对的不可逃避的现实问题。本文的研究是在把握《劳动合同法》原理、人力资源管理理论和社会学理论的基础上,采用案例研究的方法,从C房地产公司在为《劳动合同法》做准备的过程中重新规范劳动合同而产生的一系列冲突事件入手,对其产生的原因进行深入的分析和研究,总结出冲突和矛盾产生的原因为企业劳动合同的签订不规范、人员素质低、人力资源管理相对落后等方面。根据《劳动合同法》和人力资源管理原理,结合C房地产公司实际情况,构建适合公司实际的、可行的劳动合同重新规范的方案。通过以上方案的实施,促进《劳动合同法》中的新法规在C房地产公司顺利实施。本论文力图通过对C房地产公司如何应对新颁布的《劳动合同法》,在解决劳动合同纠纷方面对房地产行业提供一个借鉴。

【Abstract】 New "Labor Contract Law" after the enactment of the enterprises facing human resources management system in transition. "Labor Contract Law" on enterprises Human Resources Department has put forward higher requirements, work flow and be more careful and strict, otherwise the law will increase the business costs. "Labor Contract Law" is a double-edged sword, to protect both workers and businesses have constraints, the two sides should be within the framework of the law, the maximum risk prevention.Whether deal with the "Labor Contract Law," the new requirements will determine the Human Resources Department and even the entire corporate enterprise’s future and destiny. Therefore, how to solve the "Labor Contract Law", published at the beginning of the conflict and disharmony in the sound, and strengthen favorable factors, weaken the unfavorable factors, and resolve labor contracts on the conflicts and contradictions, and promote the healthy and orderly corporate human resources development, Will be the construction of all enterprises and employment units must face the inescapable reality of the problem.This study is in the grasp "Labor Contract Law" principle and human resources management theory on the basis of a case study of methods, from C Real estate company for the "Labor Contract Law" in the process of preparing a series of conflicts arising-from the incident Start with, the reasons for its conduct in-depth analysis and study, summed up the conflicts and contradictions of its labor contract due to the signing of non-standard, low quality of personnel, human resources management is relatively backward, and so on.According to the "Labor Contract Law" and human resources management principles, C Real Estate Company with the actual situation, the actual construction of suitable and feasible labor contracts and deal with the adjustment programmer. Through the implementation of the above options, and promote the "Labor Contract Law", the new provisions in the C Real Estate Company successfully implemented. This paper seeks to C by the Real Estate Company how to deal with the newly promulgated the "Labor Contract Law" in resolving labor contract disputes in the Real Estate Company industry to provide a reference.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】395