

Media Image-Shaping Research Against the Background of Media Power and Interests

【作者】 何伸

【导师】 郑保章; 宋长利;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 媒介形象是媒介在社会交往中形成的能够吸引注意力的品相,是受众对媒介组织的印象集合,是媒介符号化的社会特征,它与媒介品牌和媒介角色是三个不同的概念。从宏观角度看,媒介形象可分为内部形象和外部形象,其中内部形象主要是媒介从业人员的形象;外部形象包括媒介的产品形象、经济形象和社会形象。关于媒介形象建构的标准主要有五方面:公信力标准、亲和力标准、影响力标准、传播力标准和经济效益标准。媒介权力的存在已经是传媒学界一个不争的事实,本文引用施拉姆的观点,从媒介功能角度对媒介权力进行了分析,并指出在现代大众传媒的时代背景下,大众媒介权力使用的限度。然而,媒介权力的扩张导致的媒介霸权已经渗透到媒介制作信息、传播信息和反馈各个环节的实践之中。在市场经济条件下,媒介市场化、产业化、企业化的趋向日益明显,媒体过分追求经济效益,出现了新闻的寻租趋向、消费意识和有效发行,这些现象的出现必然导致媒介经济效益和社会效益的失衡,从而影响媒介形象的塑造。媒介权力和利益对媒介形象的影响有正反两个方面。如果媒介合理使用权力、追逐利益,便会对媒介形象产生正面的影响:首先,媒介权力和利益有助于媒介综合实力的不断提高,包括信息资源的拥有量增多,资金实力增强,传播技术和设备不断更新;其次,媒介权力和利益有益于提升媒介的社会影响力,增加报纸的发行率、电视的收视率等;再次,媒介权力和利益有助于人力资源队伍的不断壮大。反之,如果媒介滥用权力过分追逐经济利益,便会导致媒介产品趋同及泛化、新闻队伍道德缺失、媒介公信力急剧下降,进而对媒介形象产生负面影响。本文的重点是探讨如何在平衡媒介权力和利益下塑造良好的媒介形象,结合前文关于媒介形象建构的标准,笔者提出四点策略:提高从业人员素质,平衡媒介权力利益;遵循新闻规律,塑造媒介产品形象;强化品牌经营意识,塑造媒介经济形象;强化社会责任意识,塑造媒介社会形象,同时以大连电视台法制频道《情动心动》栏目为例,分析其在媒介社会形象塑造方面的经验与成果。

【Abstract】 Media image is the quality for media to attract the audience’s attention in the form of social interaction, and the audience’s impressed collection of media organizations. Media image is the social characteristics of media symbol. They are three different concepts for media brands, media role and media image. From a macro point of view, the media image can be divided into internal and external image, which is within the main of the media staff image and the external image including media products image, the economic image and the social image. There are main five standards for construction media image: credibility standards, affinity standards, influence standards, the dissemination of standards and economic efficiency standards.The existence of the media power have been an indisputable fact in the media scholars, the writer quoted Schramm’s view, analysis the media power from the angle of the media function and pointed out that in the modern context of the era of mass media, the power limits of the mass media use. However, the media power expansion led to the media hegemony, it has penetrated into the media production of information, dissemination of information and feedback of all aspects of the practice. Under the market economy conditions, the media market, industrialization, the trend has become increasingly obvious enterprises, the media pursuit economic efficiency excessive, rent-seeking news of the trend, consumer awareness and effective distribution, the emergence of these phenomena will lead to imbalances of economic efficiency and social efficiency, thus affecting the media image shape.Media power and interests will produce both positive and negative aspects effects for media image. If the media chasing the interests and using power rationally, that will have a positive impact on the media image. First of all, media power and interests can contribute to the continuous improvement of overall strength, including the availability of information resources increased, financial strength increased, the spread of technology and equipment update. Second, the media power and interests are beneficial to enhance the media’s social influence and increase the issuance of newspapers, television ratings, and so on. Third, the media power and interests can contribute to the growing contingent of qualified personnel. Conversely, if the media abuse of power over and chase economic interests, will lead to convergence of media products and generalization, the press contingent moral loss, a sharp decline in media credibility, will have a negative impact on the media image. The focus of this paper is to explore how to balance the media power and interests to create a good media image, base on the former construction on the media image of the standard, the writer propose four strategy: To improve the quality of employees, balance the media power and interests; to follow the news law, and shape the media product image; to enhance awareness of brand management, and shape the media economy image; to strengthen the sense of social responsibility, and shape the media community image, also through Dalian Television《Emotion Impress Heart Impress》analysis its experience in the media image of community shaping.

【关键词】 媒介权力媒介利益媒介形象
【Key words】 Media PowerMedia InterestsMedia Image
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】770