

The Research of Core Competence of Dalian Petrochemical Corporation

【作者】 张宝来

【导师】 朱方伟;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对国内外学者有关核心竞争力的理论进行综述以后,首先着眼于大连石化所处的宏观环境,采用了PEST分析法,对宏观的政治环境、经济环境、社会环境和技术环境进行了简要分析。分析的结果是宏观环境总体良好,有利于大连石化通过提升自身的竞争力来取得长足发展。接下来,本文分析了石油化工服务行业的国内外现状,国外的石油化工服务行业和中国有很大的不同,自主性非常强,而国内的石化服务业多源自重组后未上市的存续企业,因此问题重重,主要有体制问题、人才问题、观念问题以及技术问题。对宏观环境进行分析以后,本文开始考察大连石化的微观环境,从主营业务入手,根据行业特征的不同,把大连石化的业务划分为六大板块。分别是港口物流业务、工程技术服务业务、水资源利用业务、物资仓储业务、社会服务业务、塑料化工业务。并且详细分析了每一项业务的主要功能、关键技术、存量资产、业务收入、税后利润、人员情况、市场份额、市场成长性等。本文采用波士顿分析法识别出大连石化的明星业务,也就是核心业务为港口物流业务、工程技术服务业务、水资源利用业务。然后采用SWOT分析法,详细分析了每一项核心业务的优势、劣势、机会、威胁。为后文的核心竞争力的分析打下基础。结合核心竞争力的内涵以及石化服务行业的特征,建立了基于有价值、难模仿、可扩展三个准则的指标评价体系。并通过专家访谈以及层次分析法,确定了各准则以及各指标的权重。接下来,本文首先对大连石化的三项核心业务用上述指标进行评估,进而采用5分打分法,给出了每一项核心业务在各个指标上的得分。然后根据指标加权得分计算出每一项核心业务在各个准则上的得分。最后得出结论:在大连石化的三个核心业务中,核心竞争力现状的总体评价结果是港口物流业务最强,工程技术服务业务次之,水资源利用业务第三。港口物流和工程技术具有很强的竞争优势,水资源利用具有较强的竞争优势。在有价值方面,工程技术得分最高;在难模仿方面,港口物流得分最高;在可扩展方面,水资源利用得分最高。基于上述分析,本文给出了大连石化提升核心竞争力的对策,包括突出发展核心业务、实施服务营销战略、推行人力资源管理战略、建立学习型组织。

【Abstract】 Based on the domestic and foreign scholars on the core competitive theories, this paper first focus on the macro environment of Dalian Petrochemical Corp., using the PEST analysis method of the macro-political environment, economic environment, social and technical environment for a brief analysis. Next, this paper analyzes the petrochemical industry service situation at home and abroad, foreign petrochemical industries and the Chinese are vastly different, autonomy is very strong. And domestic petrochemical more services from the reorganization unlisted existence enterprise, fraught with problems, mainly institutional issues, personnel issues, concepts as well as technical problems. The beginning of this article inspection Dalian Petrochemical micro environment, start from the main business. According to the characteristics of different industries, Dalian Petrochemical business is divided into six plates. Port logistics operations, engineering and technical services business, the use of water resources operations, material storage business, social service, plastic and chemical business. In this paper, the Boston analysis identified Dalian Petrochemical star service; it is the core business of port logistics operations, engineering and technical services business, and the use of water resources operations. Then SWOT method, a detailed analysis of each one of our core business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Analysis after the text of the core competitive edge laid the foundation for the analysis. Combining the core competitive edge content services and petrochemical industries, is established based on the value of hard copy Extensible three criteria indicators evaluation system. Through interviews and expert-level analysis, the criteria for determining the indicators and the weights. Then the scoring five minutes, every one is the core business in various indicators of the score. According weighted index calculated each scored a core business in all criteria for the score. Finally come to this conclusion: The Dalian Petrochemical three core businesses, the core competitiveness of the overall evaluation of the status quo is the strongest port logistics operations, engineering and technical services business times, The third business use of water resources. In value terms, the highest technical score. Based on this analysis this paper Dalian Petrochemical enhance core competitiveness of the response, including prominent development core business, implementation services marketing strategy, human resources management strategies, the establishment of a learning organization.

  • 【分类号】F426.72
  • 【被引频次】5
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