

Research on the Method and Software Design for GPR Data Processing

【作者】 李建

【导师】 王南萍; 钱荣毅;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 探地雷达(Ground Penetrating Radar,简称GPR)数据处理是一项复杂的工作。本文从软件研制背景出发,介绍了国内外探地雷达数据处理进展情况。然后本文阐述了GPR工作原理,探讨影响其分辨率与探测深度的因素,并结合实测数据和正演模型详细论述了数据噪音及其来源。针对前述GPR信号特点,结合探地雷达数字信号处理原理,设计了“探地雷达数据处理软件”。该软件在VISUALC++和MATLAB两种平台下开发,其中在VISUALC++下完成数据格式分析和转换程序,在MATLAB下完成主处理程序。主程序由文件操作、视图操作、常规编辑和滤波处理四个模块组成。其中,文件操作模块包括文件读写、文件头编辑、数据格式转换等,数据格式转换是将三种GPR数据转化为地震通用存储格式Segy;视图操作包括对数据显示,其中包括波形、变面积和变密度三种显示方式,三瞬剖面(瞬时振幅、瞬时频率和瞬时相位剖面)以及增益调节;常规编辑包括信号校正、时窗截取、重采样、去直流分量和坐标编辑等功能模块;滤波模块包括频谱分析,其中包括傅式谱和S变换谱,FIR频率域或波数域滤波、二维滤波、背景滤波、均值和中值滤波,其中包括四种形式二维滤波,即任意多边形、扇形和消除上(下)倾。软件处理工作以交互的方式进行,操作友好简洁,处理后的数据以图形化方式实时展现给用户,有利于用户对处理过程进行监视和分析。最后,本文通过一个数据处理应用实例,综合利用本软件处理手段,对其进行分析和解释,验证了本软件的可靠性。

【Abstract】 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data processing is a systematic project. Firstly, the dissertation analyses the fault of existent software and introduces the development of GPR data processing history at home and abroad. Then this dissertation summarizes and presents the basic principles of GPR and discusses the key factors which influence its resolution and the depth that it can penetrate. The dissertation points out the possible origin of noise that affects the quality of GPR data with combination of actual data and forward modeling. Based on the former analysis, the author designs GPR Processing Software under the environment of Matlab and Visual C++. Data format analysis and converting are completed by C++ and the main program is made in Matlab. The main program includes four parts: File Operation, View Operation, Basic Edit and Filtering. File operation includes reading and saving files, editing file headers and format convert. The View menu offers data visualization options, which includes image (color-coded) displays with several color maps for better discrimination of the details, wiggle-trace displays and variable-area displays and gain manipulation. It is also possible to plot individual traces and trace spectra, as well as the instantaneous attributes (instantaneous amplitude, instantaneous phase and instantaneous frequency) of the input data and processed data. Basic Edit includes adjustment of signal time-zero, basic trace editing (trimming and extraction), resampling and marker interpolation routines is also provided to data at equal-distance spacing. Filtering provides a suite of data smoothing facilities. These include: zero-phase FIR filtering of the frequency content and of the wave number content, interactive F-K filter design and implementation, Mean and median spatial filtering in one and two dimensions and removal of a sliding window mean (background) trace. The software works in an interactive way. It is friendly to use and the results are returned to customers using graphic scheme. Thus that it is convenient to monitor and analysis of changes caused by operation. At last, the dissertation gives an example to prove it efficiently by using processing method provided by the software.

【关键词】 探地雷达数据处理文件视图常规编辑滤波
【Key words】 GPR Data ProcessingFileViewBasic EditFiltering
  • 【分类号】P631.54
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】688