

The Study on Public Participation in the Environment Law

【作者】 李迅

【导师】 刘俊肖;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪60年代以来,在世界范围内形成了公众参与环境保护的潮流,许多国家都建立了公众参与环境保护的法律机制,环境法中的公众参与在世界各国和国际社会得到普遍推行。在我国的环境保护中,强调公众参与决策有极为重要的意义。我国是社会主义国家,人民是国家的主人,广大公民对于维持自身生存休戚相关的环境品质的改善有着当然的权利。在环境法中确立公众参与制度,是人民民主理念在环境法中的体现。通过公众对环境事务的参与,有利于监督环境法的有效执行,有利于及时发现环境决策中的问题有利于改善环境管理体制。我国环境法公众参与制度尚未完善,在理论研究的基础上,推动环境法公众参与的建立与发展是我国环境保护领域的一项紧迫的任务。当然,这需要借鉴国外公众参与的先进经验,又要紧密结合我国的国情。本文针对完善和发展我国环境保护公众参与制度这一核心问题进行了系统的研究,共分为五个部分。第一部分,环境法公众参与的内涵、内容及意义;第二部分,环境法公众参与的理论基础,它包括:环境权理论、环境民主理论和公共信托理论;第三部分,环境法公众参与在我国大陆的现状及不足;第四部分,环境法公众参与在国外的发展。本部分首先对美国、日本、加拿大和韩国的公众参与制度进行了介绍,并指出了其对发展我国环境法公众参与制度的启示;最后,为了完善我国环境法公众参与制度,在借鉴发达国家经验的基础上,本文提出如下途径:一是要制定专门的实施条例,完善公众参与的程序;二是确立公民环境权;三是建立环境信息公开机制;四是尽快建立环境公益诉讼制度;五是积极培育环境保护民间组织;六是提高公众的参与环保意识。

【Abstract】 Since the sixties of the 20th century, public participation becomes popular,a lot of countries have set up the legal mechanism of public participating in environmental protection, public participation in environmental law is generally pursued in the countries all over the world and international community.It is essential to participation in the environmental affairs. China is socialist country, the people are masters of our country, as human one member, there is right certainly the masses of citizen for maintain oneself survive of close concern to each other environmental improvement of quality. Establish the public participation in environmental law is to defend environmental right of the people. Through participation in the environmental affairs, the public can supervise the implementation of the environmental law effectively, which will reduce the fault in decisions as much as possible,and promote further perfection of environmental laws and regulations and the management system.The public participation in environmental law has not been perfect in our country. It is urgent to set up and perfect the public participation based on theoretical research of public participation, referring to foreign advanced experience and combining the current conditions of our country.This paper is a trial to study systematically the perfect and the development of the public participation in the environment law, which is divided into five parts totally. The first part of this paper is on the conception、contents and significance of the public participation in the environment law; The second part of this paper is on the theoretical foundation of the public participation in the environment law. Those are composed of environment right theory, environment democracy theory and environment trust theory; The third part of my paper is on the status quo、the present problems of participation in the environment law of our country; The fourth part of my paper is on the overseas development of the public participation in the environment protection. This part is mainly introduce the development of public participation in the over seas country such as the United States, Japan, Canada and the Korea. This part also points out its great enlightenment to the development of today’s Chinese public participation environment law;Last, on the basis of the experiences of the other countries, this article aims to give some ways on how to perfect public participation mechanism in China. First, we should set up specific regulations to perfect the procedure of public participation; second, establish the citizen environment right; Third, set up the mechanism to make environmental information known to the public; Fourth, set up the lawsuit system of environmental public service promptly; Fifth, develop the environmentally non-governmental organization actively; Sixth, improve the public’s consciousness of participation in environmental protection.

  • 【分类号】D922.6
  • 【被引频次】6
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