

A Study on Sanding Mechanism and the Change in Flow Field in Unconsolidated Sandstone and Heavy Oil Reservoir of Block Huan 127

【作者】 田凤民

【导师】 樊太亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 欢127东块位于辽河断陷盆地西斜坡欢喜岭油田西南部,是被两条断层切割的西北高东南低的鼻状构造。该区块开发过程中,油藏出砂和微粒运移是突出的问题。该类油藏经过长期开发,由于流体的长期冲刷作用,在油层内部引起微粒释放与出砂。水敏和出砂导致油藏孔渗特性改变。在油井近井带出砂严重时会影响正常生产,在注水井和生产井之间的储层内出砂,将在生产井和注水井之间形成水道,降低波及体积和驱油效率。出砂问题不仅损坏套管,增加作业费用,而且增加油藏非均质性,增加提高采收率的难度。粘土矿物的膨胀也是引起的油藏流场变化的主要原因之一,由于注入水与地层水的不配伍会引起粘土矿物的膨胀,导致储层的孔隙度减小,渗透率降低。造成储层渗流场物性变化的原因,既有油藏岩石固有的因素,也有开发因素(如流体的冲刷和热力开采)。全面地研究开发因素引起的渗流场场物性变化规律,对研究欢127块的剩余油的形成规律和剩余油挖潜工作具有非同寻常的意义。该论文综合应用理论研究、实验模拟、数学模拟等手段,利用多种矿场资料,综合运用油层物理、油藏工程、渗流力学、油藏数值模拟等学科,进行了如下研究:(1)研究了稠油疏松砂岩油藏油层出砂的机理;(2)建立了诊断该类油藏出砂及对渗流场影响的有效诊断方法;(3)应用现代渗流力学和应用数学,建立描述稠油疏松砂岩油藏流场变化的数学模型;(4)建立了出砂引起的油藏流场变化的数学模型的数值求解方法,编程实现稠油疏松砂岩油藏数值模拟器;(5)用数值模拟方法研究了开发过程中流场变化及其对油田主要开发指标的影响。取得了如下成果与认识:(1)油田开发过程中胶体力和水动力是引发油层出砂的主导因素;(2)油层出砂与微粒运移和粘土的敏感性是引起该区块开发过程中渗流场变化的两个主要原因;(3)单井多轮次吞吐导致近井带地层严重出砂,渗流场变化剧烈;(4)蒸汽驱引起的出砂会导致油层的非均质增强,高渗条带的形成,降低了驱油效果,增加了提高采收率的难度;(5)稠油出砂油藏渗流数学模型的建立和模拟器的实现,提高了疏松砂岩稠油油藏数值模拟的精度。

【Abstract】 Block Huan127 loates at south-west of Huanxiling oil field which is on the western slope of Liaohe faulted basin. The block cut by two faults is a nose-like structure sloping down south-east. During the development of the block, sanding and fines migration in the oil reservoir is a serious problem. After a long term development of the kind of reservoirs, sand particles release and fines migration in the oil formation will occur due to water flooding for long time. Water sensitivity and sanding problem will lead to the change in porosity and permeability of reservoirs. The serious sanding problem occurred in the vicinity of wellbore will influence oil production. The sanding problem occurred in the formation between injection well and production well will form water flow channels between injection and production wells and leads to reduciton in sweep volume and displacement efficiency. Sanding problems not only cause case damages and high costs for well operation, but also lead to more heterogeneity of formation and more difficulty in improving oil recovery. The water sensitivity of clay is also one factor to change percolation field. Clay swell caused by incompatible injection water and formation water may lead to the reduction in porosity and permeability of oil reservoirs. The causes leading to the changes in properties of percolation field lie in not only reservoir rock facors, but also operation factors such as fluid flooding and thermal prodution. Comprehensive study on the changes caused by oil production in the properties of percolation field has significance for describing remaining oil and improving the recovery of Block Huan 127.By comprehensively using the approaches such as theoratical study, physical simulation in lab, mathematical simlation, and refering to multi-data from oil fields, this paper combines with oil formation physics, oil reservoir engineering, fluid mechanics in porous media and oil reservoir numercial simulation and conduct the following researches.(1) The sanding mechanism of heavy oil and unconsolidated sandstone resvervoirs was studied in this work.(2) The methods to diagnose sanding problems and its effects on the percolation fields in this kinds of reservoir was presented.(3) Theory of modern percolation mechanics and applied mathematics were used to present a percolation mathematical model considering the change in the formation parameters in heavy oil and unconsolidated sandstone resvervoirs.(4) The numerical solution method to solve the percolation mathematical model was chosen and the simulator suit for simulating heavy oil and unconsolidated sandstone resvervoirs was written in computer language Fortran. (5) The changes in the percolation field parameters and their effects on oil production performances were studied by oil field simulaion on the simulator.Achievements and Understandings are obtained from this work:(1) Colloidal force hydrodynamic force are the major causes stimulating sand particles release and migration in oil formation during oil development.(2) Sanding and fines migration and clay sensitivity are two main factors leading to the changes in percolation field during oil production.(3) multi-period Huff and puff of a well causes to serious sanding problems in the vicinity of wellbore and leads to dramatic change in percolation field.(4) Sanding problem caused by steam flooding will leads to strong heterogeneity and high permeability bands, which leads to low flooding efficiency and increase the difficulty in oil recovery.(5) The foundation of mathematical model of heavy oil and sanding percolation and developed simulator improve the prediction accuracy to simulate heavy oil and unconsolidated sandstone resvervoirs.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】256